“secondary information” is about the family/executive based on the “obligatory present”

Mina Mirza Agha, the director of “Information” which is on stage in the Tashami theater, pointed out the features of this show and stated that the work is based on the present tense.
Charso Press: Mina Mirza Agha, the writer and director of the play “Anthane Sessari” which is currently on stage at the Police Theater of the Artists’ House, said about the reception of this performance: The reception of the show has been satisfactory so far, and I hope it will be even better in the coming days. According to the story say The presence of the show and the fact that the atmosphere of the work is in a form that attracts the attention of the general public, we have also encountered relatively good feedback from the audience.
He about the shape get This demonstration work explained: Fig get And the writing of the text has lasted for one and a half years, during which many changes have been made to reach the final result. At the beginning of writing the text, I was very involved in “obligatory present” or “possible present” based on the fact that, for example, the occurrence of an event may cancel another event or cause an event to occur. In addition to the fact that I was very involved in the “subjunctive present”, on the other hand, I was also very interested in the episodic narrative form, so I knew from the beginning that I was going to write an episodic play with the subject of “subjunctive present”, but during this year and a half, the play underwent many changes. and in the final version of the work there are similarities to the game (game) has found.
Mirza Agha, pointing out that the show is about a family, said: “Secondary information” is about a family consisting of siblings and relationships the family depicts A cafe is supposed to be formed, and this flow is told with actors and a fixed story in three independent episodes, which means that each episode can be an independent show with a beginning, middle and end, which does not depend on the episodes before and after it, but at the same time They are related to each other because of the story of shape get Picture a cafe may kill.
This theater director continued: The first thing that we all deal with is the family, and I myself am very interested in family relationships and I follow many family relationships from afar, so I believe that the kind of relationship that I have with the family Mann We have and the events that happen to each of us in this relationship can become an attractive drama. For example, it is possible to witness a kind of control and domination in family relationships despite the love and affection that exists. joy Let’s be sure that such issues can be paid.
He also said about the stage design of the show: The design of the show decor is very different from the work. From the beginning, I was interested in the design of the show to have a fresh and different atmosphere, which fortunately happened because the stage designer Afrooz Pertovi, despite having a theatrical background, is also an architect, so he prepared a completely creative and attractive decor for the show. It is completely engineered.
In the end, Mirza Agha pointed out that the show is staged at his own expense, and reminded: the actors of the show are all theater actors, but because they know the conditions of the theater these days and they also liked the text, they trusted me and made me work with the least amount of money. The cost may be formed. It is very enjoyable for me when the actors play M read and say that even though they would like to receive a conventional salary, but because they like the text, they are ready to deal with the conditions and be present at work.
Actors of the show (in the order of arrival) Panthea Marzbanian, Zahra Behroozmanesh, Behtash are residents
This show will be hosted by theater enthusiasts until July 13th at the Iran Artists’ House complex.