
Serious deadline to homeowners stamped

According to reports Trade News Quoted from ExpansionManaging Director of Maskan Bank regarding paragraph 4 of Note 11 of Budget Law 1401 based on a two-month deadline to Seal housing owners He provided tips for converting the Housing Bank facility contract into a housing installment contract.

Mahmoud Shayan said: Nearly 243 thousand customers of Maskan Bank have not yet paid their installments in Mehr, of which about 162 thousand units have not been completed and delivered yet, which are not subject to this legal clause.

Shayan continued: About 81,000 people out of a total of 243,000 people received Mehr residential units, but for various reasons, including the sale of the unit and other cases, they have not yet been able to receive the installment book. These people are required to receive the installment booklet in June of this year. Otherwise, after June, the interest rate of the facility for these people will be calculated at 18%.

He specified: the resources obtained from receiving Mehr housing facilities will be returned to the National Housing Fund and will be spent for the completion and production of the units that the government has planned.

It is worth mentioning about Mehr House Paragraph 4 of Note 11 of Budget Law 1401 states: Owners of completed housing units in Mehr who have infrastructure services are required to apply to the Housing Bank by the end of June 1401 to convert the facilities received from the Housing Bank into installment sales facilities. The Housing Bank is allowed to increase the interest rate of the facilities of these units from the current approved rate to the approved rate of the Monetary and Credit Council (18%) if the above owners do not apply.

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