
Shareholders read / 7 signals for the stock market today

According to Tejarat News, the stock index fell 7,582 units yesterday and reached the range of 1,274 units.

“Those who violated the resolution were the Americans, and those who did not fulfill their obligations were the Europeans,” the president said during a meeting with the Finnish foreign minister. We have stated that the ground for an agreement is ready if the sanctions are lifted, and Iran has shown that it is living up to its commitments, but we are not waiting for our country’s economy to recover. (News Channel)

The Economist wrote in a report: “Iran’s ‘failure time’ or passage through the ‘point of no return’ has now been reduced to less than a month, much shorter than the year established in the Borjam.” That is why the United States insists that the negotiations are entering the moment of “end of the game”; If an agreement is not reached soon, it will lose its value. On the other hand, the longer the negotiations last, the sooner the restrictions on Iran’s program based on Borjam’s “sunset clauses” will expire. (Selection)

“The current stage can be called the final stage,” said Mikhail Ulyanov, Russia’s representative to international organizations. A long way has been traveled and the final draft has been prepared. This is the basis on which negotiations can be concluded in a relatively short time. (Asr-e Iran)

The European Union (EU) said in a statement on Monday that the eighth round of Vienna talks would resume on Tuesday. “Following a brief hiatus, the eighth round of talks in Vienna under the Comprehensive Joint Action Plan (CJAP) will resume on Tuesday,” the statement said.

“After consulting in the capitals with their respective governments, the participants will continue to discuss the prospect of a possible US return to the UN Security Council and how to ensure full and effective implementation of the agreement by all parties,” the statement added. (IRNA)

“With optimism, goodwill and seriousness, we will continue our efforts to reach a good and even immediate agreement,” he said, noting that parts of our demands have not been taken into account in the lifting of sanctions. (فارس)

Shamkhani, secretary of the Supreme National Security Council, tweeted: “An agreement that does not lift the sanctions that form the maximum pressure has conditioned the country’s economy and cannot be the basis of a good agreement.” (ISNA)

Also, one of the most important stock signals can be considered as the initial public offering of the OTC market. On Wednesday of this week, the shares of Pouya Zarkan Aq Dareh Company will be offered with the symbol of Fazr. (Trade News)

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