InternationalMiddle East

Shiraz climbers conquered Damavand peak

In an interview with IRNA reporter on Friday, the head of Shiraz medical science team said: This team has been preparing to climb the highest peak in the Middle East (Damavand) since a few months ago by holding physical preparation programs.

But Arjmand Muzhesi continued: We started climbing from the north-eastern front at a height of 2,800 meters and after five hours of hard climbing, we reached the station of 4,350 meters and spent the night at this station.

He added: At the same time as the sun rose, we moved towards the peak and after about seven hours, we finally reached the roof of Iran.

Arjmand Moosesi said: Because there was a strong concentration of sulfur on top of the peak due to the volcanic nature of this peak along with hot water sulfur springs, we left Damavand peak after 45 minutes due to breathing problems.

He added: Sajjad Delavari, Zahra Emami Rad, Mohin Dostdar, Aida Mazloumi, Khosro Dindarluiyan, Abdul Reza Ghafouri, Mohammad Reza Bagheri, Hamid Kashtagani, Omid Kohi, Ayatollah Rahimi, Reza Khademi, Hamid Marvotti and Mohammad Hossein Sobhanipour are members of the Shiraz Medical Sciences Mountaineering Team. formed in this climb.

Damavand peak with a height of 5,610 meters

Where is Damavand peak, attractions

According to IRNA, Damavand peak with a height of 5,610 meters is one of the natural prides of Iran, which is located in the center of the Alborz mountain range and south of the Caspian Sea in Mazandaran province.

This peak is known as the highest mountain in Iran and the highest volcanic mountain in the continent of Asia and the Middle East, which is located in the country’s divisions in Larijan section of Amel city in Mazandaran province.

A symbol of the glory of Iran

For Iranians, this high peak is a symbol of glory, greatness, endurance and stability and the history of the country, wherever there is a name of Iran, the towering peak of Damavand shines and is known as the twelfth highest peak in the world.

The existence of seven-meter high frozen waterfalls, natural glaciers, sulfur hot springs, many types of plants, the presence of animals such as foxes, jackals, wolves, rams, sheep, boars, rabbits, and birds such as golden eagles, partridges, tyho, Owls and quails have added to the charms of this towering mountain in the Middle East that even these animals live up to 4,000 meters high.

The first person who conquered Damavand peak in 292 AH was Abud Dolf Khazarchi, who mentioned climbing to Damavand peak in his travelogue.

When the weather is clear and sunny, this mountain can be seen from the cities of Tehran, Varamin, Qom and also from the southern shores of the Caspian Sea, and the temperature of this peak reaches 60 degrees below zero in winter and 2 degrees below zero in summer.

Shiraz climbers conquered Damavand peak

Shiraz Medical Sciences Mountaineering Team

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