
Should we get a 2 billion mortgage or not? – Tejarat News

According to Tejarat News, Mortgage 2 billion tomans is the largest loan that is paid for buying a house in the banking network. Receiving it requires a deposit and applicants must meet special conditions.

Youth housing loan applicants can receive loans by opening a youth housing savings account. This savings account is not a lump sum. It means that the account holder is not supposed to deposit a large amount at once. Rather, he should add small amounts to his deposit over a period of several years.

The amount of housing loan for young people is paid to them based on the contract and conditions at the time of opening the facility account. According to the approval of Maskan Bank, those who open an account in 1401 are eligible to receive loans up to 2 billion tomans.

Those who have started making deposits since this year, if they intend to get the largest loan amount, they can receive it in 1416.

How much money should we deposit?

The deposit amount for Tehran residents who intend to get a loan of 2 billion tomans in the first 5 years is 400 thousand tomans. In the second 5 years, this amount increases to 600 thousand Tomans, and finally the depositor must deposit 800 thousand Tomans in the third 5 years.

Any person who has reached the age of 18 or who has been issued a court order can open a youth housing savings account in his name or those under his guardianship.

The deposit time in the youth housing savings account is between 5 and 15 years. Those who intend to take the largest amount of loan must make a deposit for 15 years.

How much is the mortgage?

Those who live in Tehran receive the largest amount of loans. These people can get youth housing loans up to 2 billion tomans. The loan amount for residents of big cities is one billion and 700 million tomans. For example, those who live in the cities of Mashhad, Isfahan, Shiraz, Tabriz, etc. They are eligible for a loan of one billion and 700 million tomans. The smallest amount of loan goes to the residents of small towns, which amount is one billion and 400 million tomans.

The minimum loan amount is 800 million tomans for Tehranis, 700 million tomans for big cities and 600 million tomans for small cities. 5 years of deposit must be made to receive the minimum loan.

In case of not using the points of the youth housing savings account, Maskan Bank When the account is terminated, an interest rate based on the interest rate of short-term deposits is paid to it.

Loan with an interest rate of 9%

Currently, based on the latest resolution of the Money and Credit Council, the facility is paid with an interest rate of 18%. But profit Mortgage The youth is half. That is, those who intend to repay the loan in 5 years, the interest rate is calculated at 5%, but in repayments over 5 years, the loan interest is 9%.

The repayment of this loan is 20 years and the monthly installment is estimated at 18 million tomans.

Since this loan is paid for the purchase of the property, the property deed remains with the bank as collateral. The facility ceiling is allocated from the youth housing savings account to units that have not passed more than 25 years since the date of issuance of their building permit.

Is it profitable to take this loan?

Currently, the maximum loan amount that is paid is 480 million tomans, which Tehrani couples can receive. Of course, at present, about 130 Tomans of the loan amount is lost for taking Tese bonds and side costs. Practically, 350 million Tomans reach the hands of the applicant for housing purchase.

Applicants to buy housing in 15 years can borrow more than 4 times now. Although the high loan amount can be persuasive, the rate of housing growth in these 15 years should also be considered. In the last 15 years, each meter of housing in Tehran has increased from 1 million 200 thousand tomans to 47 million 700 thousand tomans per meter. It means that housing has grown by 3791% during this period.

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