Significant financial incentives for workers

Foxconn, the largest manufacturer Iphone In the world, in order to secure orders for the iPhone 15, he must be able to keep his employees happy to continue working on the production line. The company now has a good reward for the production line workers to satisfy them.
It seems that the Foxconn factory in Zhengzhou is facing difficulties in recruiting and retaining its workers, so it is trying to keep the workers happy. iPhone 15 It is supposed to be produced in the same factory, and if Foxconn cannot keep the workers, it will face a problem in producing the iPhone.
Foxconn rewards its workers for not leaving the factory
According to Published post On WeChat, new employees who work at the factory for at least 90 days can receive up to 3,000 yuan (US$424) in bonuses. According to this post, workers in the factory can also receive 500 yuan equivalent to approx 70 dollars get a reward Taiwan-based Foxconn, formally known as Hon Hai, has raised benefits for its workers twice this month.
Although these figures seem to be a small number based on the standards of the United States, this same figure is considered to be about one month of additional basic salary for workers, which is equivalent to about 30% of bonus in three months. Also, this bonus is equivalent to one week’s salary for newly hired workers.
The Foxconn factory in Zhengzhou is the largest iPhone factory in the world, employing more than 200,000 workers. It is estimated that 80% of the iPhones sold in the world markets are assembled in this factory. Foxconn is trying to keep workers happy to ensure sufficient production capacity through the summer and avoid any problems.