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Signing of cooperation agreement between Insurance Research Institute and King’s Dubai International Professional Academy

According to the financial news report, citing the public relations and international affairs of the Insurance Research Institute, according to this memorandum, King’s Academy will hold short-term training courses in the field of risk management, corporate risk management, financial risk management, corporate governance, financial management, insurance management, Marketing and sales, strategic management, a series of insurance management courses (including insurance risk management and losses, accident insurance, agricultural insurance, general insurance professional course, group insurance, medical insurance, home insurance, life and liability insurance, hazard insurance, pension insurance and Takaful) will cooperate with Insurance Research Institute. King’s Academy also committed to study opportunities for members of the insurance research institute, holding workshops, seminars, webinars, research in the field of Islamic financial services; Providing advice in the areas desired by the parties in order to advance knowledge and increase talents in the field of insurance, takaful and Islamic finance, cooperate with the Insurance Research Institute.

In the signing meeting between the Insurance Research Institute and King’s Global Professional Academy, which was held on Tuesday, March 9, 1401 (February 28, 2023) at 16:00, hosted by King’s Global Professional Academy and with the presence of Mohammad Mahdi Asgari, the head of the Insurance Research Institute, Shahram Rezapour, the international consultant of the research institute. Insurance, Bal Gopal Godrao, CEO and Chairman of Kings Global Professional Academy, Ronald D’Souza, Academy Operations Manager, Mr. Sangsen, Academy Executive Director, Ms. Joanna, Mena Academy Regional Director, and Mr. Stephen, Academy Marketing Director, were held, asgari introduced Insurance Research Institute. Emphasizing the importance of concluding a memorandum of understanding and joint cooperation between Bimah Research Institute and King’s Academy, he introduced the Iranian delegation and expressed hope that the first group of Iranian scholars will be sent to King’s Academy after the holy month of Ramadan.

Referring to the establishment of Takaful in Iran, the head of the Insurance Research Institute noted; The Insurance Research Institute has received, reviewed and selected the necessary programs for the Iranian insurance industry, and it is expected that in June or July, the first group of Iranian scholars will be sent to the Kings Academy for training.

He also invited the senior managers of King’s Academy to give a speech and present an article at the July conference of the Insurance Research Institute focusing on the mutual effect of common insurance and Takaful.

In addition, Ronald D’Souza, operations manager of Kings Global Professional Academy, added, referring to the presence of more than 10 Islamic banking and finance educational products in Kings Academy; King’s Academy issues a global doctoral certificate in various industries such as banking, and takaful or Islamic finance can be a part of doctoral students’ activities in this field.

While announcing the desire of this academy to cooperate with the insurance research institute, the director of operations of Kings Global Professional Academy stated; In terms of holding a webinar, we can definitely cooperate with the Insurance Research Institute. Our effort is not education but guidance and coaching. Some of our programs are two to three years, which will be equivalent to 5 years of experience. King’s Academy cooperates with the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund and has expertise in areas such as asset management, banking, and project management. We are also connected with some important banks in the world, even central banks. King’s Academy training is very high quality and for example in the field of auditing, we emphasize risk-based auditing, which is for the future and the connected world.

In the continuation of this meeting, Asgari presented the expected results of the memorandum of understanding between the Research Institute and King’s Academy and the relationship between Iran and India, and at the end of this meeting, a joint cooperation memorandum was signed between the Insurance Research Institute and King’s Global Professional Academy.

It should be noted that in this meeting, 8 people consisting of members of the scientific faculty of the research institute and managers and experts of the insurance industry who had gone to Dubai to participate in the first international training course on common insurance were also present.

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