Signing the self-ownership contract of more than 68 thousand National Movement units in Maskan Bank

According to Mehr, quoted by the Ministry of Roads and Urban Development, Seyed Mohsen Fazilian, a member of the Board of Directors of Housing Bank, announced the process of providing self-ownership facilities under the National Housing Movement Plan, the contracts concluded, and the amount deposited into the builders’ accounts.
A member of the Board of Directors of Maskan Bank said: Since the beginning of the implementation of the National Housing Movement Plan, the self-ownership contract of the National Housing Movement Plan has been concluded for 68,652 units.
Fazelian said the amount of the self-ownership contract for 68 thousand 652 units of the National Movement was 23 thousand 533 billion tomans.
According to him, so far, 14,856 billion tomans of the total amount of 23,533 billion tomans of self-ownership facilities of the National Housing Movement Plan have been deposited into the accounts of builders.
It is reminded that the provision of self-ownership facilities of the National Housing Movement Plan is paid to the self-owners step by step and based on physical progress.