
Signs of winter tires / how to recognize a snow tire? + Photo

According to the online economy report, the winter season has arrived and cars need tires to move easily on snow. It is better before buying Signs of winter tires know to choose a suitable tire and get through the cold season without any problems.

The symbol of mountains and snow is the first sign of winter tires

From Signs of winter tires is a special symbol. Snow tires have a mountain symbol and snowflakes on the side. Check the outer sidewall of your tire (the area between the tread edge and the rim). Snow tires always have a small 3-peaked mountain symbol with a snowflake inside.

Winter tires are studded

Snow tires are studded. Metal is used in these tires to provide more adhesion. Studded snow tires are common in areas with long periods of snow and ice. Keep in mind that most studded snow tires are only legal during the winter months. Using studded tires in dry conditions can ruin the road.

Winter tires are studded

Treads are the third sign of winter tires

Tread shape is one of Signs of winter tires It can be. Winter tire tread is the deepest tire tread. Tires usually have square treads with small, zig-zag grooves or slits on them. Most snow tires are shredded tires, but not all. However, chunky tires work better in snow because the small cracks give them more grip.

  Treads are the third sign of winter tires

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