Application and softwareScience and Technology

Signs that indicate the permanent filter of Instagram and WhatsApp

09 October 1401 at 07:07

While many users are waiting for Instagram and WhatsApp to be unfiltered, the signs point to the permanent filtering of Instagram and WhatsApp.

Some time ago, the Minister of the Interior said that if the unrest and protests are over, the Internet will return to its previous state. Among his statements, the Minister of Interior did not mention the removal of Instagram and WhatsApp filtering, and for this reason, studies show that these two foreign platforms will probably remain filtered forever. In the following, we will examine the signs of permanent Instagram and WhatsApp filtering.

Signs of a permanent Instagram and WhatsApp filter

The first sign is that at the time of the approval of the protection plan, many people were against the activities of Instagram and even many experts had declared Instagram filtering as one of the main goals of implementing this plan.

In this regard, the recent unrest and protests led to the implementation of parts of the security plan, i.e. Instagram and WhatsApp filtering; Two foreign platforms that have many opponents in Iran, and for this reason, despite such opponents, the possibility of removing their filters seems unlikely. Therefore, it can be said that Instagram in September 1401 faced the same fate as Telegram in December 2016.

Instagram and WhatsApp

The second sign is that according to past experiences, many popular sites and messengers that were filtered in Iran, never reached the stage of removing the filter. Of course, in the meantime, only some services that were not very popular could be unfiltered. Therefore, due to the high popularity of Instagram and WhatsApp in Iran, we can say that these two platforms will always remain in the filter.

The removal of Instagram and WhatsApp from Cafe Bazaar and Myket is also considered as the third sign of the permanent filter of these two foreign platforms. As two famous Iranian application stores, Bazaar and Myket removed Instagram and WhatsApp from their stores last week to increase the possibility of permanent filtering of these two social networks.

These signs indicate that Instagram and WhatsApp will face the same fate as Telegram, but it should also be noted that about 400,000 Iranian online businesses operate on Instagram, and through this, about 1 million people in the form of directly and 9 million people earn money indirectly. Therefore, their constant filtering will affect the lives of many people.

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