
Stock forecast / Which company will be offered initially?

According to Tejarat News, the total stock index fell 0.13 percent yesterday and reached the range of 1,518,000 units. There are several signals for the market today, and experts believe that the glass hall is experiencing a balanced downward trend. Accordingly, the overall index is expected to be somewhat negative on this day.

The Central Securities Depository and Settlement Company announced: From the beginning of 1401 to the 10th of Khordad, the profits of 31 listed and OTC companies were paid through SJAM.سنا)

Part of this interest paid in the form of liquidity goes back to the glass hall and can somehow climb the market.

Bank interest rates rose again to around 20.57.central bank)

Some experts believe that this rate will reduce the capital market in the long run. Others believe that this rate has no effect on stock trading.

A Tepsi press conference was held last week and the startup will probably be launched soon.Pulse)

The initial launch of a new startup can change the process of investing in the stock market.

Resolve stock market ambiguities

Given the high inflation around the world and the escalation of the energy crisis due to the war in Ukraine and the inability of OPEC to increase production, the world must be ready to further increase oil prices. (Senate)

This price increase can affect the oil industries of the Iranian stock market and make them rise.

Mehdi Sabaei, CEO of the Market Stabilization Fund, stated: The financial statements for the year 1400 of the Capital Market Stabilization Fund are ready. The fund is just waiting for permission to publish it from the stock exchange organization to disclose its financial statements to the public.EconomyOnline)

This publication of the financial statement can largely dispel the ambiguities of shareholders regarding the performance of the capital market.

Read the latest news related to the capital market and capital increase of symbols on the Trade Exchange News page.

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