
Stock market prediction / What is the cause of the fall in the capital market?

According to Tejarat News, the total stock market index had an upward movement today, Wednesday, July 22, but in fact, its return was negative this week.

At the end of today’s trading, the trading board changed its color and turned green. On Wednesday, the total index experienced a growth of 6,517 units and reached the level of 1,490,000 units. Equal weight index also increased by one thousand units and reached the range of 407 thousand units.

The value of capital market transactions is still low and shareholders are very worried about this. Today, the value of retail transactions was almost 2,400 billion tomans, and the real ones removed a total of 168 billion tomans from the market. Of course, this record value moved the lowest transaction value of 1401. In the last eight trading days, the record of the lowest value of small trades in 1401 was broken five times.

Saturday stock market forecast

It has been a few days since the total stock market index entered the range of 1,400,000 units, and shareholders are withdrawing their cash from the stock market, fearing further losses.

Currently, there are more uncertainties such as the dollar rate, the Vienna negotiations, the increase in bank interest rates, etc., and the fear and worry of shareholders has an effect on the stock market.

Shareholders believe that the government’s interventions and comments will make the capital market undergo a correction process. Because yesterday, the government spokesperson said that the index has yielded 10% since the beginning of the year, and this raised the excessive fear of the shareholders.

Now some shareholders are planning to leave the market due to these comments of the government spokesperson and government officials. This withdrawal can reduce the value of capital market transactions and eventually the index will decline more than in the past.

Read the latest capital market predictions on Tejaratnews stock market prediction page.

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