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Stop the game of empty statements/ I am ready for any face-to-face conversation and debate!

The Director General of the Film Screening Supervision Department of the Cinema Organization responded to the statements of Cinema House in a note on his Instagram page at the same time as the National Cinema Day.

Charso Press: The text of this note is as follows:

With congratulations on the National Cinema Day and with respect to the respected and hardworking members of all cinema industries, regardless of the fact that many members of the industries are basically not aware of the contents of the statements issued by the board of directors of the industries or the cinema house or do not agree with them; I consider it necessary to mention a few points.

This threadbare way of making a statement against the general flow of cinema is the result of what kind of thinking and what logic and fruit does it have?! The house of cinema was supposed to be the house of all cinemas, not the house of a handful of people who started a contest of issuing a statement with pure hatred! What does this unfair method bring to mind except bad intentions or at least a wrong strategy? What is the meaning and concept of this insistence on the part of a very limited and special range of decision-makers of the cinema house to keep fresh the wound of some destructive currents and fuel the differences and deepen the gaps?! Who will see the smoke of all this hatred and hatred except the Iranian cinema and its cinematographers?! The question is; What is the intention of the handful of people who put up a contest to issue a statement?! The more important question is what is the result?!

I suggest that if you really sympathize with cinematographers, stop the game full of empty statements for a short time and do not inflict more wounds on the thin body of cinema and let Iranian cinema continue its natural life so that its economy, which after a long period Recession has prospered unprecedentedly and should not be stopped and lost.

I hope that your next statement will be an invitation to people to attend cinemas and watch the films of your colleagues so that the board of directors of Khana Cinema fulfills its inherent duty, which is to protect the livelihood of cinematographers and provide prosperity to the economy and upliftment of Iranian cinema, and to make the country’s cinema authorities more than This should not involve political, judicial and security issues. Of course, these injustices and destructions will not affect the motivation and interest of the current officials to improve Iranian cinema, but since zero to one hundred Iranian cinema has been the domain of your statement writers and fellow thinkers for decades, let’s sit down today. And let’s fairly evaluate your achievements in livelihood, housing, economy, insurance and the quality of your professional activities for Iranian cinema to see what you have done to this oppressed cinema?! What actions have you taken from the insurance of the respected members who have become members of Khaneh Cinema with a thousand hopes to job security, organizing activities, formulating strategies and providing solutions?! How did you even ignore the threats and sanctions last year against some of your colleagues who were looking for a halal livelihood and did not make a statement to support their most obvious right?!

How did you interpret the cinema’s return to the good old days and audiences queuing up to watch some movies and welcoming more than ten million people to the cinema in the first five months of the year as terrible news?!

In the end, while pointing out that I have held more than three hundred intimate, respectful and practical meetings with dear and valuable cinematographers in the last five months, considering the accusations and baseless claims in some places regarding the conditions and status of cinema today, such as audits, Social cinema, cinema economy, etc., to clarify the issues and talk about the claims made in the issued statement, I am not a film director but as a small member of the same big and respectable house – which unfortunately you have made small – for any discussion I declare my readiness to face-to-face and debate or propose issues in any format that can answer your illogical and incorrect analyzes and ideas.

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