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Strengthen your immune system with this vitamin

Sometimes a small magic suggestion can initiate big changes in your body’s health. In this content, we will take a look at the magic of vitamin C, which not only makes your skin glow, but also strengthens your immune system and makes it resistant to diseases. Also, we will examine the symptoms of vitamin C deficiency, the sources of vitamin C supply, the role of vitamin C in improving and strengthening the body’s immune system, the daily intake and the best time to use it for better efficiency. Join us to travel in the world of vitamin C with green positive.

What we read in this article

Vitamin c What is?

Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that helps the body’s cells get rid of damage caused by free radicals. To strengthen the body’s immune system, this vitamin plays a role as an important component in the production of white blood cells such as lymphocytes and phagocytes. These cells are responsible for protecting the body against infections and diseases. Also, vitamin C helps increase the production of antibodies important for fighting viral and bacterial infections. Taking vitamin C tablets or sources containing this vitamin strengthens the body’s immune system and prevents damage to the body’s cells.

Daily intake of vitamin C

The daily consumption of vitamin C varies according to the age, gender and lifestyle of each person. However, the recommended daily intake of vitamin C is about 90 mg per day for most healthy adults and about 75 mg per day for healthy adult women. For children and adolescents up to 18 years of age, vitamin C consumption should be between 15 and 75 mg per day. For infants, the vitamins they need are provided through mother’s milk. Undoubtedly, mother’s nutrition at this age will have a direct effect on the baby’s immune system. Therefore, the consumption of vitamin C for lactating women should be at the discretion of the attending physician.

What are the symptoms of vitamin C deficiency in the body?

The symptoms of vitamin C deficiency are fatigue and general weakness of the body, which leads to serious health disorders. Acute vitamin C deficiency leads to scurvy. This disease begins with fatigue and general weakness of the body, which may be caused by a disorder in the production of carnitine in the muscles. Over time, people with scurvy may experience other symptoms such as inflammation and infection of the gums, which is accompanied by bleeding gums while eating.

Lack of proper treatment and insufficient supply of vitamin C leads to the aggravation of this disease and disruption of collagen production in the body. In the future, this problem causes muscle pains and delayed healing of wounds. Finally, the longest period of vitamin C deficiency has a direct effect on the brain and nervous system. Depression and nervous weakness are the next consequences, and insufficient absorption of iron will cause iron deficiency anemia in the body. In case of exacerbation, scurvy becomes a fatal condition. Therefore, the proper supply of this vitamin is very important.

Who is at risk of vitamin C deficiency?

The following groups are more exposed to vitamin C deficiency than other sections of the society:


Some of the groups that face vitamin C deficiency are those who have little variety of food or the weak sections of the society and families who are not economically able to provide enough fruits and vegetables in their food basket. These people have suffered from indigestion over time.

People with chronic diseases:

Some chronic diseases such as cancer and kidney diseases also cause deficiency of this vitamin. In chronic kidney diseases and people undergoing hemodialysis, the appropriate dose of vitamin C should be determined and consumed under the supervision of a doctor.


Increased oxidation reactions in the blood and loss of vitamin C due to smoking can cause vitamin C deficiency in people who are addicted to smoking.

Pregnant and lactating mothers:

Pregnant and lactating mothers are at risk of vitamin C deficiency. Because for pregnancy and breastfeeding, more amount of this vitamin is needed. In these cases, it is recommended that the best way to meet the daily requirement of vitamin C is to consume fresh fruits, vegetables and vitamin C supplements.

The recommendation of experts for people who are prone to vitamin C deficiency is to take multivitamins that contain vitamin C. These multivitamins can partially compensate for the lack of vitamins and micronutrients caused by food poverty.

strengthen the immune system; The most important benefit of vitamin C

Vitamin C, as the strongest booster of the immune system, has many positive effects on improving the functioning of the body’s immune system. With the direct effect of vitamin C on the activity of cells, a significant improvement in the body’s resistance to diseases and infections can be observed. As a strong antioxidant, this vitamin protects the cells of the immune system against oxidative damage and free radicals.

It also plays a key role in the production and activation of antibodies and immune system cells that are directly related to pathogens. Regular consumption of vitamin C increases the production of natural killer (NK) cells, which play a role in detecting and destroying malignant cells. On the other hand, vitamin C regulates the production of cytokines, which helps to strengthen the proper function of immune system cells.

Effervescent tablets or vitamin C tablets

Both types of tablets are used as vitamin supplements, but they differ from each other in terms of formulation. Effervescent vitamin C tablets include iron-containing and iron-free formulas, and sometimes vitamins or other mineral salts are added to it. This pill contains flavonoids that cause better absorption of vitamin C. For people who need a lot of iron, effervescent vitamin C tablets with an iron-fortified formula are used.

In contrast, vitamin C tablets contain a form of ascorbic acid that occurs naturally in fruits and vegetables. If you are looking for a vitamin supplement in a natural form, you should take vitamin C tablets. However, before taking any type of vitamin C pill, it’s best to find out which type will give you the most benefit. Also, it is best to always follow the instructions carefully and use the correct dosage.

Strengthen the immune system with vitamin C tablets

Is it necessary to take vitamin C tablets?

It should be noted that vitamin C plays an important role in the health of the human immune system and it is better to pay attention to the sources of its supply. Using a vitamin C supplement can be beneficial for people who do not get enough vitamin C from their diet. Before using any supplement, it is recommended to purchase products from reputable companies.

Learn more: Does vitamin C cause slimming and weight loss?

How does vitamin C strengthen the immune system?

If you are looking for a natural and effective way to strengthen your immune system, vitamin C can play a vital role in strengthening your immune system. In addition to the prominent role of vitamin C in strengthening the immune system, this substance is known as a strong antioxidant. Join us to learn more details about boosting the immune system with this vitamin at Positive Green. If you are looking for immune boosting pills, don’t forget vitamin C.

The role of vitamin C in improving immunity

Deficiency of this vitamin causes damage to cells and tissues over time. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that protects against free radical damage. By protecting the cells, the immune system performs its tasks better. And how does this vitamin boost the immune system? For example, here are some examples of the important roles of vitamin C in improving the immune system:

Strengthening the production of lymphocytes:

This vitamin plays an important role in boosting the production of lymphocytes. lymphocyteare different types of immune system cells and play an essential role against infections and diseases.

Activation of immune system cells:

This vitamin can activate the cells of the immune system and strengthen their activity. This activation includes T-cells, NK-cells and other factors of the immune system that play a role in fighting infections and diseases.

Production of antibodies:

Vitamin C can increase the production of antibodies and helps to increase the power of destroying pathogens. Antibodies play an important role in fighting infections and protecting the body against germs and viruses.

Speed ​​up the healing process:

Vitamin C plays an effective role in the healing processes of the body and its consumption speeds up these results. This helps the immune system to not hesitate to attack the invading agents and quickly root out and weaken the cause of discomfort.

Regulation and improvement of immune system function by reducing inflammation:

Inflammation may negatively affect the immune system. This vitamin strengthens the body by inhibiting inflammatory factors. Vitamin C can regulate the secretion of cytokines, which play an important role in the interaction of immune system cells and the creation of inflammatory responses.

Enhance the absorption of other nutrients:

Vitamin C helps increase the absorption of other nutrients from the diet, including iron and zinc. These mineral elements play an effective role in general health and better functioning of the immune system.

Is excessive consumption of vitamin C beneficial or harmful?

What are the side effects of vitamin C? Everything should be consumed in moderation. Side effects of excessive consumption of vitamin C may include nausea, heartache, diarrhea, sleep disturbance, low blood pressure, headache, bloating, abdominal pain, and other gastrointestinal symptoms. Also, excessive consumption of vitamin C may cause tooth decay, increase the amount of iron in the body, and in some cases, cause bladder stones.

Sources of vitamin C supply

It is recommended to include foods rich in vitamin C such as citrus fruits, strawberries, oranges, tomatoes and green leaves in your diet. You can also use the following to get vitamin C:

  • Citrus fruits such as oranges, grapefruits, limes and limes
  • Red and green bell pepper
  • Green leafy vegetables such as spinach, broccoli and lettuce
  • Yellow and orange vegetables such as carrots, pumpkins and apricots
  • Strawberry and pineapple
  • Fresh juices
  • tomato

It is better to get vitamin C from natural sources. If needed, you can also use vitamin C supplements.

Vitamin C sources

The best time to take vitamin C

Taking vitamin C at the right time is associated with better performance. The best time to take vitamin C pills in bodybuilding depends on your goals and personal needs. In general, the best times to consume vitamin C for bodybuilders are:

Before training:

Taking vitamin C before exercise can give you the energy you need for physical exercise and help your muscles prepare for your workouts. You can take vitamin C tablets about 30 minutes before training.

After training:

Consumption of vitamin C after exercise will help rebuild muscles and prevent short-term muscle damage. Heavy training and intense sports activities can lead to the production of free radicals in the body, and vitamin C as an antioxidant plays an important role in reducing oxidative damage. You can take vitamin C tablets immediately after training.

Along with meals:

Taking vitamin C with meals strengthens the body’s immune system and prevents exercise-related injuries. You can take vitamin C with your meals throughout the day. It can maintain the proper level of vitamin C in your body.

Green positive offer to you:

Because vitamin C is water-soluble, the body is unable to store it, and it is often excreted through urine if there is excess in the body. Therefore, using appropriate and regular amounts of vitamin C throughout the day is more beneficial than consuming it all at once.

Excessive consumption of vitamin C may lead to unpleasant side effects such as stomach and digestive disorders, discoloration of teeth, and worsening of symptoms of kidney-related diseases. Therefore, it is recommended to follow the instructions for use.


If the complications of vitamin C deficiency are identified in time and treated with proper nutrition and the use of supplements containing vitamin C, the health of the body will be ensured and the possibility of more serious complications will be reduced. Undoubtedly, with a little reflection on the above topic, you have realized the importance of proper consumption of vitamin C. At the end of this article from Positive Green Online Pharmacy magazine, if you have any questions, be sure to leave us a comment.

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