Sweeper, intelligent dry waste collection system

The earth is the human habitat, which has been exposed to many dangers and damages in the current world and modern way of life. Also, with the increasing growth of the industry, harmful effects have been left on the environment. On the other hand, all its results and consequences will have a direct impact on human life and living beings. For this purpose, measures to change the lifestyle are needed to deal with the destruction of the environment.
According to environmental activists, if more attention can be paid to culture building and training skills in this field, people’s attitudes can be changed. The broom startup was also created with the aim of creating a culture in dealing with waste and living with minimal waste. broom It has provided solutions related to the collection and management of dry waste. On the same basis, we suggest you follow Ecomotive’s conversation with Amir Nik Maram, CEO and founder of Jarob:
Please to Introduce yourself.
My name is Amir Nik Maram, I have completed my bachelor’s degree in computer engineering, but so far I have not done any activities related to my university education. I am also the CEO and founder of Jarob. I have been active in the web space since 1990, and I have also had the experience of managing the sites of Dr. Salam and Hello Doctor, which at that time were the first and second sites in the country, respectively, in the field of health.
What is a “broom” and what problem arose in order to solve it?
The sweeper is a smart and online system for collecting and managing dry waste. In the city of Tehran, about six thousand tons of waste are produced daily, and according to the experts, about 30% of that waste can be recycled, but unfortunately, only 10% of it is realized, that too with a method that is not accepted by anyone. It is not one of the citizens or even of the government institutions.
Jarob has entered the field of urban services and waste as a facilitator to provide the possibility of delivery and recycling of separated waste by creating solutions for citizens. Currently, all citizens living in Tehran will be able to install the application broom In addition to helping the environment, enjoy its financial benefits.
What privileges does the sweeper give to responsible citizens?
In exchange for the delivery of waste, the sweeper considers points for citizens, for example, citizens can benefit from their points in the form of cash and by visiting the Book Savings Store, they can receive new and second-hand books. . We are trying so that people can use a variety of services in exchange for separating and delivering their dry waste to the sweeper.
Now that you mentioned the book savings store, from the plan Tell us about the exchange of dry waste with books.
The idea of exchanging dry waste with books was first proposed by Engineer Ikhlasi, head of the waste department of Region 6, so that we can offer new and second-hand books to people in exchange for delivering dry waste to the broom.
Currently, the Book Savings Store provides citizens with the opportunity to purchase books in three ways, first of all, all those who use the Jarob application can purchase books from the store with their points and enjoy special discounts. Second, people who come to the store without the application of Zarub, can benefit from the possibility of receiving books with discounts and gifts by installing the application of Zarub and joining it, and thirdly, they can buy new books by presenting their second-hand books to the store.
Book Savings Store is located on Iranshahr Street, at the west entrance of Artists’ Park, and operates every day from 11:00 am to 9:00 pm.
What is the purpose of the sweeper and the municipality of the region of the second-hand book project?
By implementing that plan, the sweeper and municipality of Region 6 pursues two cultural goals, including encouraging citizens to participate in the separation and delivery of dry waste, as well as inviting them to read books and increase per capita reading.
Where did the idea of forming a broom come from?
The idea of forming a broom started in 1997. Through the friendship I have had with Mr. Majid Ghasemi, the founder of Fidibo, I have met one of Tehran’s waste managers, and during the conversations we had, the idea of making dry waste collection intelligent was formed. After some time, we brought up that plan with Dr. Mehdi Ferozan, the CEO of Shahr Ketab, and it was very well received.
In this way, the project of smartening the collection of dry waste was started, and in March 2018, we entered a new phase of our activity by joining Pishgaman Amin Capital Pasargad Investment Company.
For what reason have you chosen to attract capital?
Sinesa is one of the oldest and most reliable venture capital funds in the country, which has always supported products with new and smart ideas in its investment portfolio. Company Acquaintance With constructive participation in the way of executive decisions, Jaroub has supported us a lot, for this purpose we are very happy to choose this investor as our strategic partner.
Following what tips made you successful in the process of attracting funds from Sinesa?
We have been accepted by Sinesa by providing a strong team, a strong economic model, extensive market research and a detailed understanding of the dimensions of recycling businesses.
What issues have you faced in forming your team?
The issue of team and human resources is one of the most important concerns of companies. When we are creating the infrastructure for our organizational structure, the existence of a strong body called human resources is very important. This issue depends on various factors, because it is very difficult to attract young and expert people at the beginning of the journey to accompany them and also gain their trust and opinion.
These people generally work in powerful companies and inviting them to a 2-person team comes with various challenges. After the issue of recruiting specialists, the process of maintaining the team is very important in our country, where many talents have migrated due to economic and social problems, and the difference between the Rial and the dollar has made the process of recruiting specialists more difficult. . Every manager wants to create a one-handed organizational structure to advance his goals, and fortunately, our company is made up of a hardworking human team.
What skills do the key people in your team have?
In Jaroub, we have 4 basic departments that manage the technical, logistics, supply and financial processes, and in addition to the fact that each department is proficient in a special expertise, it also has its own department’s human resources management. This means that each manager is responsible for the training, development and promotion of his team in addition to other specific responsibilities. One of the most important skills we need for management is the ability to succeed and develop the team.
Advantages Waste segregation And Delivery of dry waste What is for the environment?
As I mentioned earlier, currently around 10% of Tehran’s waste is recycled, and in other words, 90% of it is sent to Aradkoh for burial, which causes irreparable damage to the environment. One of the biggest concerns of the Tehran city management and the environmental organization has been the amount of leachate produced in Aradkoh and the amount of waste buried in it.
What does zero waste lifestyle mean?
Zero waste is a kind of lifestyle that people are responsible for their waste production, for this purpose they try not to produce waste as much as possible and bring their production waste closer to zero. In times when waste production is unavoidable, people with zero waste can deliver their dry waste to services such as sweepers and turn wet waste into compost using different methods. In this kind of life, the environmental and future perspective The friend is hidden.
What measures does the sweeper take in the direction of zero waste culture and education?
One of the most important goals of the sweeper has always been creating a culture in dealing with waste and living with minimal waste. In this direction, Jarob’s content production and advertising team always works to inform citizens as best as possible by producing quality content on various topics, including presenting and introducing the zero waste lifestyle.
What are the effects of zero waste lifestyle on preserving the environment and reducing leachate?
Household waste includes two types of dry and wet waste, so we are obliged to take measures to avoid waste production. The first step is to separate and recycle dry waste, this will reduce the volume of waste sent to Kahrizak and Aradkoh for burial by 30%, as a result, 30% less leachate enters the environment.
Also, by following the correct patterns in dealing with waste, as an example of a zero waste lifestyle, the amount of waste can be reduced by 80%. This path will definitely bring benefits to all citizens and its impact will be tangible in the lives of our children in the coming years.
Considering the harmfulness of plastic for the environment and the fact that a small percentage of it can be recycled, what will be the solution of the broom in facing this problem?
The concern of the sweeper is to collect all recyclable dry waste, including: plastic, glass, paper and metal. In some cases, such as plastic, which has many threats to the environment, we follow our activities more seriously, for example, in cooperation with the waste department of Region 6 and the waste management organization, a recycling robot device that receives plastic in the book savings store We have placed
In this way, citizens who do not have the broom application can get a book with a discount just by helping to recycle a soda can. More than 2,000 hours of training have been provided to citizens in relation to topics such as plastic recycling and other waste.
What is the purpose of the broom in dealing with global warming and greenhouse gases?
The ever-increasing expansion of industry has led to encroachment and encroachment on nature, use of natural facilities and resources, and indiscriminate extraction of underground resources. Therefore, the industrialization of societies has left destructive and irreparable effects on the environment. The activity in the field of recycling creates a new resource for mankind, due to which there is less need to harvest from underground resources, it also leads to the reduction of waste and its burial.
In this way, it will help the environment, as a result, less trees will be cut, less oil resources will be used, more oxygen and less greenhouse gases will be produced.
Is wet waste valuable?
Of course, wet waste is also valuable. In order to use more waste and reduce the amount of waste produced, methods such as compost production and waste incineration are used to generate electricity, but this path also faces obstacles. Due to the undesired separation and the lack of citizens’ participation, the current waste has an inappropriate compost output. On the other hand, the issue of burning waste and producing electricity from waste has not yet been seriously realized due to economic issues.
What public and private institutions do you cooperate with and which will you cooperate with in the future?
Since 1997, when the idea of sweeping was formed, we have interacted and cooperated with different governmental and non-governmental institutions. For example: Information and Communication Technology Organization of Tehran Municipality, Environmental Organization, Waste Management Organization, Ministry of Communication and Information Technology, Vice President for Science and Technology and Central Municipality were among the government institutions that supported us and therefore caused They wanted this cultural, social and economic thing to happen.
What is the reason for the special attention of Zarub to producing content on the Instagram social network?
Unfortunately, in the field of waste and recycling, the amount of content is available to users, for the same reason, the audience does not have proper knowledge and awareness of various topics in the field of waste. On the other hand, the social network Instagram is active as one of the largest and most popular media in Iran and other countries of the world, as a result, Jarob Group pays special attention to the issue of producing content in it with quality and scientific authority.
How many citizens have benefited from the sweeping services so far?
Currently, nearly 30,000 citizens have used sweeping services.
Are there competitors for your business?
Currently, 4 licensed services are operating in Tehran and we have healthy and constructive competition with all of them.
What vision do you have for improving your business?
According to the plans we have set in advance, we are in the first phase of our activity. That’s why we plan to carry out many activities in the field of intelligent dry waste collection and recycling. After that, entering the waste plan and completing its cycle and finally the process of producing energy free from waste will be sweeping in the future plans.
Final speech?
The issue of waste is a multifaceted issue and includes different issues such as economy, environment, social and sometimes political issues. Therefore, its multifacetedness makes it very important. Jarob is trying to have continuous activity in all sectors, and also to be able to expand it to other provinces and cities and provide valuable services to its users.