Tama Salar’s stone for “Brother Jan”/ a memory revived in Golpa’s grave – Mehr news agency Iran and world’s news

Mehr News Agency – Art Group – Alireza Saeedi; The function of the title is something similar to the cover of a book The designer It tries to inform the audience of a work by selecting elements, forms and arrangements with the help of graphics and music. A situation that is sometimes presented to the audience in a very careful, thoughtful and calculated manner, and sometimes Sad school And it is built on the fulfillment of a mandatory task that takes the viewer away from the basis of a visual work.
What became an excuse to once again return to the keyword “titles”, a review of the most lasting and the most memorable The music is related to some programs and works of cinema and television, which for many audiences contain bitter and sweet memories, and referring to them again can bring a world of memories for us in any situation. The memory game, after its launch and publication in Nowruz 1400 and the audience’s acceptance of it, prompted us to entrust our souls and minds to it in the form of a weekly memory game on Fridays every week and from its passage to the years when we are better than these days. It was troublesome, let’s go.
“Memories with lasting titles” is the title of a series of archival reports with the same approach, which you can follow on a weekly basis in the art group of Mehr News Agency.
In the 102nd issue of this media narrative, let’s go to the end credits music of the TV series “BrotherWritten by Saeed Nematullah, produced by Mohammad Reza Shafiei and directed by Mohammad Reza Anj We went to see the audience in 1398 on the third channel of Sima. A social melodrama in the days of the presence of numerous TV special series, which was able to be well received by the audience due to the storytelling close to the mind and the taste of the television audience of those years, the presence of numerous famous actors of cinema, theater and television, as well as an emotional title music.
the seriesBrother“With those strange dialogues of Saeed Nematullah, on the subject of “Right Al-Nas” will pay. A story in which three brothers have a very good relationship and everyone knows about their equality and brotherhood, but they suddenly have an accident and their good relationship changes and rightfully so. Al-Nas In the meantime, it comes to the middle. Of course, the main story of this series is from the memoirs of the late Leila Agnji It is Shirazi who in 1371 wrote the disputes over the inheritance and family of his uncles (Akhwan Sengabi Shirazi) under the title “Brothers as Friends” and the screenplay “BrotherIt was written by summarizing this story.
Ali Nasirian, Hossam Manzoor, Hassan Pourshirazi, Afarin UbaisiKamran SauteedNeda Jabraili, Sajjad Afsharian, Saeed Chengizian, Nasim Adabi, Jalil Farjad, Leia Zanganeh, Shiva Ebrahimi, Maral Farjad, Arash Falahat Pisheh, Arash Taj Esfahani, Mahbubeh Sadeghi, Ali AnjNeda Aqighi were artists who appeared in this series as actors.
About the seriesBrotherAfter its production and broadcast, it was well received by the audience. Naturally, many expert reviews and discussions have been raised in various media and programs, but what became an excuse to return to this TV series once again is the title music, which is Through Hossein Ghiathi’s song, Farid Saadatmand’s composition and Salar Aghili’s singing, he was able to become one of the components The durability of this series should be important. Even after almost four years of its broadcast, it still remained in the mind of Salar Aghili and he created the conditions to perform it in the form of a vocal piece at the funeral of the late Akbar Golpayegani. A memory that if you delve into the hidden meanings in the song again Oh you to have, we observe that the choice of reading it in the ceremony that is decorated with the name of Akbar Golpa It can include different perceptions.
The music that Bean The presence of many singers of Iranian instrumental music was created during the productions related to pop musical works and created an atmosphere where Salar Aghili, the good-voiced singer of our country’s music, who these days appreciates his art and singing less, presented a melody to the audience. in almost all aspects, whether in the field of songs, whether in the field of composition or in the field of singing, The melody from the main stream of the series is so well received that Salar Aghili, apart from leaving no stone unturned for the proper reading of this work, uses it as one of the main works of his concerts. It is fresh and audience friendly.
A melody originated from the main stream of the series, which is known to be commissioned by the group to prepare and produce a work that fits the meaning and concept of the story series.Brother” has been made and it was so well received that Salar Aghili uses it as one of the main works of his concerts in addition to leaving no stone unturned for the proper reading of this work. Of course, in this area, one should never neglect the efforts of the composing and songwriter group for the creativity and melody presented to the audience. Elements that, in many ways, make all the effort and effort of a group focused on the singer and the circumstances out of fairness.
In this piece, poet Hossein Ghiashi, Farid Saadatmand as composer and arranger, Navid Salehzadeh mix And masteringReza Tajbakhsh Piano and guitar player bassMasoud Aramesh playing the dulcimer, Ali Jafari Pouyan and Alireza Mariya playing the violin, Mohammad Gharibi playing the violin celloArash Akbari, the accordion player, Kian Darat, the guitar player, Alireza Mariya, the viola and fiddle player, and Amin Lotfi and Hamid Delnavazi, the vocalists, made up the executive group.
Farid Saadatmand is one of the composers who has experienced numerous activities in the field of composition in recent years, including albums, singles, music for series and movies such as “Brother“, “Armaghan Tariki”, “Butterfly”, “Hal Ke may Roy”, “Servo under water”, “Dagh Nahan”, “What can I say”, “Delbari”, “Mask game”. I see», “Troy“, “Nafs”, “Memnon Flight Zone” and “Fath Gharib” mentioned. The works that each of them was able to communicate well and effective establish with the audience and become lasting works in the artistic activities of this composer.
He is one of the artists who, due to his reliable background in the field of music and learning it from artists such as Farhad Fakhredini, has been able to present himself as a composer in many of his works. the author and has a slow introduction style. The appearance and image that has caused some valuable artists in the field of singing, including Mohammad Motamedi, Mohammad Esfahani, Salar Aghili and other famous singers to have continuous cooperation with him. The framework in which from to employment From electronic instruments to an orchestra, Iranian instruments can be seen, and by the way, it is placed in front of the audience in an arrangement that has been able to meet their good communication. The path that can naturally include the output when the emotional color of the series and the mood of the song and reading are placed in it. effective For the listeners, the work is due to a measured composition.
Of course, in the meantime, we cannot not talk about the complexity of creating a melody and its connection with the field of script writing and directing. Because this story includes complications that naturally when a script the writer A very strange person like Saeed Nematollah takes over the writing of the series, and the work becomes more and more difficult for our composer. The conditions that appear in the series “BrotherBoth in the field of the soundtrack and in the field of the title music, he was in front of Saadatmandan and forced him to be more sensitive in this musical package.
In an interview with one of the media, this composer said a while ago about people’s taste in music and what is presented to the audience in the form of a musical product, including the title track: People’s musical taste is changing; Of course, in my personal opinion, this era is passing and must be passed. I agree that we are not music in Ardibehesht, but I believe that if a drop of original rose water is given to people let’s give They discover Golestan, the identity and authenticity of Iranian music. It should be seen what we have done that people’s ears have distanced themselves from good music. Despite all these conditions, good parts are still produced, but the volume is lower than in the past. Of course, the structure of the melody, song, singer’s performance, arrangement, etc OrchestrationEven the prevailing atmosphere of the society can have an effect on the durability of a piece. On the other hand, time will judge; An artist should always ask himself where he stands in the world, and in addition to being sensitive to the compass, he should also pay close attention to the calendar.
He continued: We have very good composers in the field of soundtracks for movies and series, but there are financial concerns. That is, they cannot create their works in an ideal form Presentation do This goes back to the management’s view that they pay more attention to the music of the film and the series, and the pieces that the composers write in the best way. Presentation it means that at least the composer can perform and record the pieces with a suitable orchestra. Of course, once brilliant works such as “Sarbadaran”, “Buali Sina”, “Hazar Dostan” or even “Shab 10” Presentation They became, but little by little, with the wrong and low management views on music, we are witnessing that today a composer cannot even record a third of the film’s music with an orchestra due to the high costs. The trustees are just trying to do their job. Today, we see some first-class composers no longer work because of such problems.
Saadatmand about the soundtrack and titles of the series “BrotherHe also said: The soundtrack was and still is very important for me. The subject of the seriesBrotherI liked At some point, I realized that I should use Iranian instrumental music in the soundtrack of this series, and I went to Chahargah and Shushtri, which required some courage, even in the form of composition And Orchestration I also considered this issue. Of course, I believe that the opening credits, the soundtrack and the ending credits of a series should have an internal coherence, a condition that I always try to observe in my work. Another point is that the human brain is a management system one way And it’s simple, just like a production line, here the quality of raw materials creates quality. Oh you I wish we were more conscious about choosing music to listen to. Believe me, you can recognize and understand people from the melody of their minds and their whispers.
In another interview, this composer with a history of film music explained the importance of credits music: The title music that comes at the end of the movie or series is a kind of supplement to the story and a good ending to the work, but too much attention is paid to this category; What has happened in recent years in our country and people are more inclined towards music with words during or at the end of series or movies. But in my opinion, the soundtrack is much more important than the title track, and more effort is spent on it, and I hope the audience will pay more attention to this category.
Anyway, the music world of the titles is full of sweet and bitter sayings and hadiths, which delving into each of them alone opens a window that can lead the reader or researcher interested in this field into a path and flow; A path that definitely includes different dimensions. Dimensions that will include many issues and margins both in social, cultural and artistic aspects as well as in economic aspects. It is a strange but very important situation that many meetings and expert researches should be held and prepared to investigate its various dimensions. a process Now, in the economic system of Iranian music, it has become one of the important pillars of the continuity of singers’ activity in the field Marketing has been