The agents of “Subtraction” and “Birwa” did not complain about movie smuggling! – Mehr news agency Iran and world’s news

According to the Mehr News Agency, citing the public relations of the radio programCinemagram“, Jafar Ansarifar, secretary of the security headquarters, from the cinematographic works of the Cinematic Organization on Friday, 3 Shahrivar. 1402 In the 12th radio programCinemagramHe was present.
At the beginning of this program, in a conversation with Maitham Karimi, the host and editor of the program, Ansarifar stated: One of the concerns of the Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance and the Cinema Organization has always been the fight against smuggling of cultural and artistic products. Is. Considering that the supply of cinematographic works was mainly in physical form before, the smuggled version in the form of CD was usually distributed in stores, which was prevented by follow-ups and monitoring. Later on, this protection expanded and expanded to the Protection of Cultural and Artistic Works in the Ministry of Guidance, but it was again renamed to the Protection of Cinematic Works.
He added: I was entrusted with the responsibility of this headquarters since last year, because we are witnessing the change of the environment from physical to cyber, it was necessary for the headquarters to be updated and more efficient than the previous routine, and measures should be taken to increase the security factor of the products, today we We are dealing with the issue of theft, not smuggling, because in fact, a thief has taken illegal property by illegally broadcasting the film. Therefore, the bylaws were changed, hammered, and some time ago we presented the executive directive to the minister. By issuing this directive, many problems will be solved and the space can be managed. The security headquarters is moving from the physical space to the cyber space. Currently, cyber space is the main platform for smuggling movies and we need to update it.
Ansarifar said: The cinematographic organization is a supporter of cinematographers, but basically the existence philosophy of this headquarters is to protect human capital and cinematography. I was the general director of research for the Cinema Organization for 2 years, and I must say that at least in the last 8 years, we have not had a case where the Ministry of Guidance was the source of publishing a film. and such an idea should not be raised at all. These words are raised today by those who do not have a national view.
The Secretary of the Protection Staff of Cinematic Works reminded: In the past, DVD versions of movies were reviewed, but in recent cases, serious emphasis has been placed on the laboratories so that the film must be Watermark It should have a revised version so that it can be followed up if there is a possible violation. DCP hacking is not possible in the cinema organization and it must have happened outside the organization. may I say which was definitely not inside the organization and is not, if we are supposed to support cinematographers, this kind of talk robs us of trust.
Ansarifar about the three recent smuggled films “Subtraction”, “Dreamless” and “Devoted; Nazanin Bahare Tina said: In connection with this incident, we quickly started the necessary measures regarding the 2 films “Subtraction” and “Bei Roya”. Of course, it is necessary to file a complaint from the owners of the works, which has not been filed yet. The director of the movie “Pious; “Nazanin Bahare Tina” has also mentioned several times before that she will broadcast her film, according to the law, the person who has suffered should file a complaint, but we did not wait and took immediate action. Currently, a legal complaint has been filed with the Attorney General of the country and a copy of it has been given to the Prosecutor of Tehran, and it has been promised that the perpetrators of the incident will be identified.
He said about the preventive measures taken by the Cinema Organization against film smuggling: One of our problems is film offices and laboratories, and the level of access to films should be determined, who has access to the films, and their names should be announced, because this action can be a deterrent to the new guidelines. The security headquarters has been brought. We also have disciplinary plans, the implementation of which depends on the cooperation of all cinematographers. In my opinion, the main care should be taken by the owners of the films.
Program “CinemagramIt is broadcasted live on Friday nights by Maysam Karimi and produced by Roxana Ghagharai.