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The air quality in Tehran and big cities improves

Head of Environmental Protection Organization:

The head of the Environmental Protection Organization, referring to the need to remove the legal vacuum in the field of dealing with wildlife trafficking, said: With the measures taken, the air quality in Tehran and other big cities will improve.

According to Moj news agency

Ali Selajgeh, head of the protection organization the environment On the sidelines of the first consensus meeting on the management and prevention of species trafficking wild life Statement: Today is the first specialized meeting on the prevention of wildlife trafficking with the presence of three main agencies. Judiciary police force and environmental protection organization were held.

He added: “The legal vacuum in this field is very noticeable and the necessary measures should be taken in the form of bills. It is also very important to value wildlife species in their life cycle.

Pointing to the necessity of using drones and knowledge-based capabilities to increase environmental monitoring, he said: the environment in the country is very wide and it is not possible to protect the environment and wildlife of the country only through environmentalists.

He announced that soon all environmental units and bases will be equipped with digital wireless, and said: “Smugglers and criminals who are in the field of wildlife will feel extremely insecure from now on.” Now there is a good sympathy and cooperation between the institutions, and if the legal problems are resolved, we are sure that the country’s environment, which is now at risk, will be strongly protected.

Selajgeh said: When economic conditions are in some kind of trouble, the pressure on wildlife increases. In many areas, especially border areas, attention should be paid to the main and native livelihoods of the people, and in fact, attention should be paid to alternative work. We are sure that if culture building in the field of wildlife conservation increases, we will see good actions.

He added: “Continuous orders are being considered regarding the 28th Cup. We have already announced our positions and the developed countries have destroyed the world’s environment and must pay for it.” The water, soil, and air resources of countries have been affected and destroyed by the activities of developed countries, and they must pay for this.

Selajgeh said: “Developed countries must know that the issue of sanctions is an obstacle to environmental protection that must be removed in order for the main convergence to take place.”

In response to the question of whether urgent action can be taken to deal with air pollution, he said: Fortunately, this year, with the current trend, we seem to be moving in a good direction and the air quality will improve, and in the next few days, we will have a thousand electric buses in Tehran. Tehran Municipality has signed contracts with different countries and good capacities are being used. Municipalities and Ministry of Security have taken good measures in Tehran and other big cities like Isfahan

The deputy of the Environmental Protection Organization said: The relocation of Montazeri Refinery in Isfahan has been considered and suitable land has been given to them to move out of Isfahan.

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