
The American soldier strangled a black man in the New York subway + video

According to the report of Fars International News Agency, in the horrifying images published from the New York subway, a white man strangles him in front of others after a fight with another passenger who is black.

The American authorities announced the cause of death of 30-year-old Jordan Neely as a homicide due to neck compression (suffocation). In this video, Neely is seen struggling while another man holds him on the ground.

According to the BBC, the police questioned and released the 24-year-old American marine who held the passenger on the ground. According to this report, the police and prosecutors must now decide whether to charge him.

“Alvin Bragg”, the spokesman of the Mantahen district prosecutor, said: “As part of the ongoing investigation, we will study the doctor’s report, examine all available videos and images, and we will identify and interview witnesses as much as possible, and medical records.” We will get more.

This horrible incident happened on Monday evening on the F-Line train in Manhattan, New York. On Wednesday, a protest rally was held at the train station near where this black man was killed. The crowd shouted slogans and demanded justice.

In the published images, two other passengers are seen restraining the black victim’s arms, and all three of them leave him lying motionless on the ground. After the arrival of the police, he was taken to the hospital, where he was pronounced dead.

According to the police, this man was throwing garbage and shouting at the passengers before he suffocated. According to American media, he was homeless.

The governor of New York called the video “deeply disturbing” and added that it “causes a lot of fear in people.” He said New York State will work with city officials to determine whether homelessness and lack of access to mental health services were factors in the incident.

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