Banking and insuranceEconomicalEconomicalBanking and insurance

The board of directors’ changes were approved by the assembly

According to the monetary and financial news from public relations and international affairs; Day Insurance Company Assembly started with the presence of 78.74% of the company’s shareholders, during which the candidates for the board of directors were introduced and voted.

Based on this, Mr. Tahir Mohabti Zahan, Hamidreza Safi Khani, Mohammad Sepahi, Abbas Ali Bani Saffar and Abdul Reza Abbaspour were elected as the main members and Mr. Afshin Maqsoodi Shaghaghi and Alireza Shabahang were elected as alternate members of the board of directors with the majority of votes.

Also, in the continuation of the widely distributed newspaper of Iran, along with Dunyai Ekhtaz newspaper, it was chosen as the official newspaper of the company.

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