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The cause of pain during sex and ways to treat it

Painful intercourse can be due to physical problems or psychological concerns. Many women even experience painful sex at some point in their lives. Pain in the genital area can occur during or after sex. Sometimes the pain during sex can be solved by using simple solutions. But in some cases, it is necessary to see a doctor for effective treatment. The treatment solution is always chosen based on the cause of the pain.

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Symptoms of pain during sex

Symptoms of pain during intercourse are as follows:

  • Sometimes the pain is only during penetration.
  • In some cases, the pain is felt even when putting tampons.
  • It can also be deep pain during sex.
  • Pain can be accompanied by burning.
  • Pain associated with sex may persist for hours after intercourse.

Sometimes, only by buying a lubricant gel, you can remove the dryness of the vagina and eliminate the pain. But in some cases, more serious treatments are needed.

The cause of pain during sex

Pain during or after sex (dysparonia) can be caused by many reasons, including the following:

vaginal dryness

Usually, when there is not enough flirting before having sex, there is not enough moisture in the vaginal wall and opening, and as a result, the person feels pain or burning. A decrease in the level of estrogen hormone after menopause or childbirth or during breastfeeding can also be the cause of this problem. Some drugs can also affect libido and make it painful. Some of these drugs include:

  • Anti-depressant
  • high blood pressure
  • Tranquilizers
  • Antihistamines
  • Some contraceptives

Damage to the reproductive system

Damage to the genital area in an accident, pelvic surgery, and cutting the vaginal opening during childbirth can lead to pain during sex.

Inflammation, infection or skin disorders

An important cause of pain during sex can be an infection in the genital area. Sometimes eczema or other skin problems may cause pain in the genital area and this pain increases during intercourse.

Vaginismus disorder

Vaginismus refers to the involuntary spasms of the muscles of the vaginal wall, which can make penetration painful. Women with this disorder usually refuse to have sex because they experience a lot of pain.

Congenital problems in the vagina

Vaginal agenesis is a disorder in which a person is born without a genital tract. Sometimes there is a membrane in the opening of the vagina that blocks it. In this case, dyspareunia (painful intercourse) occurs.

Physical problems causing pain during sex

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Pain during sex may be for the following reasons:

  • endometriosis
  • Pelvic inflammatory disease
  • uterine prolapse
  • uterine fibroids
  • Bladder inflammation or cystitis
  • Irritable bowel syndrome
  • Pelvic floor dysfunction
  • Adenomyosis
  • hemorrhoids
  • Ovarian Cysts
  • Pelvic surgery wound

Treatments such as radiation and chemotherapy, which are commonly used for cancer, may cause changes in the body that make sex painful.

Effective psychological factors in making sex painful

How you feel inside is directly related to sexual activity. Therefore, negative emotions can be effective in causing pain during sex. Anxiety, depression, concern about physical appearance, fear of intimacy and any problem in the relationship between couples can reduce sexual desire and increase the feeling of pain. When you are stressed, the pelvic floor muscles tighten and this causes pain. Sometimes a person has been sexually harassed in the past and now has no desire to have a relationship. When a person experiences pain in sexual intercourse once, he may be afraid to have intercourse with his partner in the next times.

Lack of physical preparation causes pain during sex

Painful intercourse in men

Pain during intercourse is not only for women. Sometimes men also experience pain during sex for the following reasons:

  • Genital thrush
  • Herpes
  • Sores on the circumcision site
  • Inflammation of the prostate gland
  • Swelling of the testicles
  • An infection such as chlamydia

Treatment of pain during sex

If you feel pain during or after sex, consult your doctor. After finding the cause of the pain, the doctor suggests a suitable treatment solution. for example:

  • If you feel pain, unusual discharge, or itching in the genital area, you may need an STI test to check for sexually transmitted diseases.
  • If vaginal dryness is the cause of your pain, it is probably recommended to buy lubricant gel. If you use a condom, be sure to use a water-based lubricant. If the lubricant is fat-based, there is a chance that the condom will tear.
  • Allergy and burning in the genital area may be due to sensitivity to detergents. In this case, it is recommended to change your detergent.
  • If psychological reasons such as anxiety cause pain in sexual relations, with the help of a psychotherapist, you can solve these problems and reduce the pain as a result.

Does allergy to condoms cause pain?

Most condoms in the market are made of latex. Some people are allergic to latex and experience symptoms such as burning and itching. If the sensitivity is severe, inflammation may occur and therefore, in rare cases, pain is also felt. Condom is not only a safe means to prevent unwanted pregnancy, but it is also used to prevent sexually transmitted diseases. Therefore, if you are allergic, do not use it. You can use other types of condoms or get hypoallergenic latex condoms from the pharmacy.

The price of condoms

You can find the best condoms with exceptional discounts at Positive Green Online Pharmacy. Click and see the price of the condom.

last word

Pain during sex can have different causes. For example, pain may be felt due to vaginal infection, vaginal dryness or psychological and emotional problems. What should be done in this case? First, the cause must be determined precisely. If you do not know the cause, you should consult a doctor. In many cases, the problem will be solved only by buying lubricating gel. You can find all sexual products and accessories in the most reliable brands in the online pharmacy of Positive Green. You can buy both in person and online.

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