The central bank’s measures to facilitate the payment of small loans

According to Iran Economist From Central Bank, “Abuzar Soroush” stated that to encourage the banking network in granting micro-facilities, the Central Bank has created a criterion entitled “Banks’ share in the field of micro-financing” in the banks’ balance sheets, adding: the method of opening an absentee account, electronic signature and The use of electronic promissory note infrastructure is one of the other measures taken by the Central Bank in the direction of facilitating the payment of micro-facilities, which has led to the development and facilitation of micro-facilities by the people.
He mentioned the increase of small loan facilities from 200 million tomans to 300 million tomans for natural persons and from 500 million tomans to 750 million tomans for legal entities as other measures of the central bank in this field and added: In this regard, in parallel in In connection with financing through the Murabahah card, the ceiling for such cards was also increased from 200 million tomans to 300 million tomans, and it was decided that the central bank would take necessary measures in April of each year regarding the possible adjustment of the amount of small loan facilities and the Murabahah credit card. to give
Determining the new criterion for the share of micro financing in the balance sheet of banks
The deputy supervisor of the central bank stressed that in order to control the growth of banks’ liquidity, the central bank has tools to control this issue and said: one of these tools is to control some of the banks’ balance sheets, in this regard, banks are evaluated according to different criteria and a score and the country’s liquidity growth share is allocated to it in proportion to each bank.
Stating that the Central Bank is to push banks in the field of microfinance and that the banks themselves are interested in providing these services, Soroush said: In the context of the growth of banks’ balance sheets, the Central Bank also considers criteria under the title of “banks’ contribution in the field of microfinance”. which is considered as a positive performance.
He added: Banks that provide micro financing will have the possibility of growing the balance sheet more than banks that have less financing.
Referring to the general reserve of micro-facilities of the central bank, the deputy supervisor of the central bank said: In general, the micro-facilities of banks have less non-current claims than large non-current claims.
He clarified: In fact, people pay installments of micro-facilities more regularly than some economic enterprises that have financial problems.
Banks paying micro-facilities are allowed to grow more in the balance sheet
The Deputy Supervisor of the Central Bank emphasized: The Central Bank has not prevented the payment of micro-loans under 400-300 million tomans in any way in any period, even in some cases we have prohibited the payment of facilities of some banks when the facilities are of high amounts and the payment of micro-loans and installments It is not prohibited in any way.
Soroush pointed out: Of course, some banks may want to control their costs according to the balance sheet control criteria, and in this regard, the central bank allows banks that have a larger share in debt financing and micro financing to grow more in their balance sheet, and this is the case. We covered a lot with this tool in the summer season.
Investigating the reduction of the general reserve rate of microfacilities in banks
Announcing that the Central Bank is considering a plan based on which the public reserve rate of micro facilities will be reduced as much as possible, Soroush said: Based on this, we hope to raise this issue in the Money and Credit Council within the next month at the latest, and if approved If possible, we will implement this issue.
He added: This issue will lead to banks becoming more inclined to provide facilities and micro financing.
The deputy supervisor of the central bank regarding the development and encouragement of charitable loan funds also said: regulations in this field were approved and promulgated by the Money and Credit Council in September 1401, while the creation of the infrastructure of charitable loan funds is also underway in the Central Bank.
Establishing charitable loan funds affiliated with banks
He added: In this regard, we have negotiated with banks, some of them are interested in having their own charitable loan funds, and one bank has taken a step forward in this field, and other banks are also interested in entering. .
Soroush stated that in case of the creation of Qarz al-Hasna funds by banks, the bank’s Qarz al-Hasna resources will be transferred to this fund and said: This policy will lead to transparency and ease of receiving Qarz al-Hasna facilities by the general public.
Changing the formula for receiving loan facility fees
The Deputy Supervisor of the Central Bank regarding another action of the Central Bank in the field of facilitating the granting of micro-facilities to the general public said: the fee for Qarz al-Hasnah facilities has been raised many times in the Jurisprudence Council of the Central Bank, and finally the executive board of the Central Bank has appointed two Qarz al-Hasnah banks as executive banks. The trial has considered that these banks will reduce the cost of receiving loan service fees compared to the current situation, so people will have cheaper access to loan resources.
He added: If these two models are successfully implemented in these Qarz al-Hasna banks, it will be applicable to the entire banking network.
The Deputy Supervisor of the Central Bank emphasized that people are free to use either of the two existing fee payment models or the new method of these two banks.
He emphasized: The second method will bring lower costs for the recipients of Qarz al-Hasna facilities.
Strengthening and updating the validation system is on the agenda of the central bank
Regarding validation in banks, Soroush said: The issue of strengthening bank validation systems in recent years has been considering that the Central Bank has a database of credit information at its disposal, and that various institutions must provide the information related to this database to the Central Bank, which fortunately some The devices provided this information to the central bank, and of course, some devices did not provide the necessary information so far that the central bank is doing the necessary follow-up.
He added: Based on the available information, the validation model was evaluated and revised in a period of 6 months, and we hope to enter the operational system in the next few weeks, which will greatly help the issue of facilitating the public’s access to Qarz al-Hasna facilities.
The Deputy Supervisor of the Central Bank called one of the validation functions the issue of debt relief and said: In the field of debt relief, especially marriage loans, according to the budget law of 1402, banks should act based on the credit score of the individual or based on the introduction of a guarantor for the payment of the marriage loan. do
He added: In the past two weeks, according to the Central Bank’s circular, banks were required to announce the minimum credit score that a person without a guarantor can receive a marriage loan.
Soroush stated that the updating of validation models is on the agenda of the central bank and added: The assessment council of the central bank has announced a 6-month period for updating the validation model, which is updated once or twice a year.
He added: The scope of the validation system is not limited to the banking network, because some businesses are also trying to provide some services or goods to people in installments, and these businesses can use this infrastructure now.
Revision of the life insurance of the debtor of the loan facility
Saying that some restrictions of the banking network are taken into account for people’s age, Soroush said: According to internal regulations, some banks include a limit for people’s age, which is due to the risk of death of people.
He added: There is an insurance called “debtor’s life insurance” that is implemented and implemented in some banks, but it is necessary that this system be implemented in a more specific and fair framework.
Stating that the insurance rate is the responsibility of the debtor, Soroush said: Central Bank is looking for a standard system with a lower cost for bank customers who have the risk of death. Accordingly, this issue is under investigation in the Central Bank.
He added: Banks also adjust the maximum age for receiving loans for these people.
Although we are following up on the micro credit insurance system in negotiations with the Central Bank, the Deputy Supervisor of the Central Bank said: In addition to validation issues, the insurance of the portfolio of micro facilities should also be taken into consideration, which can be extended to the financing of large facilities in the next step. .
Regarding the volume of granting credit cards that are based on the Murabaha contract, he said: Fortunately, the volume of granting credit cards is considerable, and we insist that these credit cards based on other contracts be provided.
Organizing and the necessity of growth and development of leasings
The deputy supervisor of the central bank regarding the leasing industry and their role in providing facilities to the general public and economic enterprises said: one of the tools for financing the general society is leasing, unfortunately, leasing services have not grown well in the country, and some leasings have also witnessed poor management. Are.
He added: We held meetings with leasing companies to organize these companies, and the central bank is ready to take measures to improve the leasing industry.
Soroush mentioned the arrangement of some leasings as another program of the Central Bank and said: There are some businesses that provide similar leasing services, and the arrangement of these companies under the title of “Threat Guarantee Institutions” is under the order of the Central Bank and the Ministry of Economy so that we can Establish institutions to guarantee obligations in the field of microfinance.
Funding of macro facilities based on the capital market
Regarding the financing of large facilities, he also said: The Central Bank pays special attention to other methods, including financing the capital market, on this basis, in April of this year, the Central Bank allowed about 150 thousand billion Tomans to the banking network to guarantee To do capital market bonds, which before this was done on a case-by-case basis, where each bank had to obtain permission from the central bank for each plan.
He added: With this initiative, in April of each year, the share of each bank will be communicated to them, and the bank can use this tool.
The Deputy Supervisor of the Central Bank regarding the guarantee of the bonds of knowledge-based companies stated: For knowledge-based companies, bonds are also guaranteed, and 15,000 billion Tomans are considered as guarantees for the bonds of knowledge-based companies for financing through the capital market.
Validation of people without facility history in the new model
Soroush said: One of the challenges for validating people who apply for microfinance for the first time is the lack of facility records to assess their situation, which of course is not only related to our country and this challenge also exists in the world. Based on this, in the new model designed to validate the default risk of people who do not have a credit history, it is also designed and evaluated through a parallel method specific to them, and this problem is solved to a large extent.
The effort of the banking network to publicly announce the matters mentioned in the budget law
The Deputy Supervisor of the Central Bank regarding the public announcement of immovable properties of banks based on the budget law of this year said: In this regard, the necessary forms have been designed by the Central Bank and sent to the banks to inform us of this information within a certain deadline.
He emphasized: Of course, this is the first time that the banking network is required to publish information with these details. Banks are developing infrastructure and some banks have provided us with information that is being reviewed by Central Bank inspectors and will be published on the Central Bank website immediately after the inspections are completed, but because it is the first time, some may According to the format of the information sent to them based on the budget law, banks have problems and ambiguities that they inform us so that the issues can be resolved. Therefore, the banking network tries to notify the central bank of the matters announced in the budget law within the stipulated time, and the central bank will also publish them after review.
Compliance with the rules of controlling some balance sheets by the banking network
While emphasizing that the growth of banks’ balance sheets was controlled quarterly until September 1401, and from then on, it will be controlled monthly, and said: Banks that have violated the prescribed limits for any reason will be fined monthly. In the beginning, there were many banks that had violations in different periods, but now the amount of violations has decreased drastically, and some banks may have problems in one month and try to make up for it in the next month. The central bank also monitors this issue with coherent and integrated supervisions and we help banks to comply with these regulations.
He added: Therefore, it is not correct to say that the banking network is not complying with the rules for controlling the growth of balance sheets, and sometimes it may not be complied with in limited cases, which will be corrected by the warnings and punishments considered by the Central Bank, and because of this, there is a special problem. we don’t have
Soroush thanked the banking network for accompanying the policies of the government and the central bank in connection with the control of liquidity growth, and added: when we control the growth of liquidity, banks also face difficulties, which in some cases need to correct their behavior to really accompany and They have helped, which is worth thanking.
Regarding the crimes considered for the delinquent banks, he also explained: Increasing the legal deposit rate is one of the crimes, and if the bank’s behavior is not corrected, we will hold meetings with the bank and try to guide them to comply with the rules, and sometimes Also, we reflect the cases to the disciplinary board of the banks that until this moment few people have been introduced to this board.
The Deputy Supervisor of the Central Bank stated that we have some banks that are out of balance due to various reasons and this inconsistency may affect the growth of liquidity and added: Regarding these banks, we have specified and notified the amount of facilities they can provide per month, so up to a certain limit. They can pay facilities and this indirectly affects the control of some banks.
He added: In addition, in the case of some non-performing banks, in addition to controlling the growth of assets, the growth of debts is also controlled so that it does not exceed a certain ceiling until they carry out their structural reform and financial restructuring plan and as soon as this restructuring is done and If they are placed on a positive track, the limits considered to control the debts will also be removed.