Banking and insuranceEconomicalEconomicalBanking and insurance

The charitable act of Alborz Insurance and the gratitude of Kehrizak Hospice in Alborz province

According to the report of Alborz Insurance Public Relations and International Affairs, this company, in line with the role of social responsibility, in a charitable act, placed the disabled and elderly nursing home in Alborz province under its financial support.

In this regard, Hamid Nazari, Director of Public Partnerships of Kehrizak Charitable Hospital of Alborz Province, sent a plaque to Musa Rezaei, CEO of Alborz Insurance, for this pious act.

In this plaque, he expressed his gratitude: “We are grateful to the Creator that you, His chosen servant from this earth, were the mediators of bringing goodness and blessings to His creations, and we are also grateful to you, dear thinker, for choosing us to carry out your divine mission. And you have trusted us. We are also trying with all our power to make Kehrizak a home for living, not surviving, so that the reflection of the beautiful smiles of the clients in this home becomes a comfort for every moment of your life.

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