The Chinese unveil new car fuel – Tejaratnews

According to Tejarat News, the Chinese Automobile Company (GAC) unveiled the world’s first ammonia car engine. The automotive industry is undergoing a major transformation. Cars have been gasoline-powered for over a century, but the auto industry is slowly moving toward electric vehicles. Companies like Tesla and BYD are selling more electric cars every day and their market share is increasing; However, it seems that China has not yet said the last word on this matter. In this context, Guangzhou Automobile Group (GAC) unveiled the world’s first car engine that runs on ammonia.
China’s Guangzhou Automobile Group (GAC) has announced it has developed the world’s first car engine that runs on ammonia, adding it to new energy solutions such as battery electric vehicles and hydrogen fuel cells that reduce carbon emissions in the transportation industry. Is. The company succeeded in using ammonia fuel in the passenger car industry, which will have important benefits for society and commercial use.
Ammonia is being explored as a carbon-free fuel, but faces obstacles due to its low flammability and high nitrogen oxide emissions. The GAC Group announced that it has developed a 2-liter engine that can burn liquid ammonia more efficiently in a safe manner, achieving 120 kW of power and a 90 percent reduction in carbon emissions compared to conventional fuels. According to a Reuters report, the engine is still in the early stages of development but is an important step forward in the development of ammonia as a viable alternative fuel for transportation. It remains to be seen whether ammonia will become the main fuel for cars. However, the announcement of this company is a sign of the commitment of these automakers to explore alternative fuel options and reduce the carbon footprint.
Source: the world of economy