The cinema will soon sink into the ice and cold!

The producer of the movies “Goodbye to Baghdad” and “Sekam Habas” added: In recent years, it has become very difficult to find investors, especially in the private sector, and investors are not encouraged to invest in this area.
He continued: Friends who enter the cinema as investors do not think much about the return of their investments and have other issues in mind when they enter the seventh art. Some come to be seen and some are looking for other things. As a rule, someone whose goal is to invest to achieve financial exploitation does not enter the cinema and goes to invest in other fields.
This cinematographer then stated that due to the screening conditions, the small number of theaters and audiences, and the lack of copyright laws, etc., film production in the country has a high risk and stated: In recent years, the working conditions in the cinema have become much more difficult than before, and this is the same issue. It has caused the desire to invest in cinema to become less and less.
In another part of this conversation, referring to the way the government invests in cinema and spends public and government budgets, Salver stated: Unfortunately, the situation has always been such that there were a few bright-eyed directors and the officials were with anyone who agreed with them. They are paying special attention. These people benefit from good government funds and produce custom films, which often do not have a large audience, and the organizations themselves are forced to buy their tickets.
He pointed out: In general, I must say that the discussion of investment in cinema and the management of cinema budgets is very large and wide and cannot be mentioned in a few sentences. But what can be said in one sentence is that working in cinema has become extremely difficult and there is no hope for work and activity in this field.
In this regard, the producer of the films “Raspberry” and “More than two hours” said: Of course, it is possible to find an investor who is interested in investing in comic works, because lately comic works have been noticed and sold well. have became. But the important thing is that investors for social films have officially become rare, and producers and cinematographers are often forced to start producing films with their personal funds.
Salver stated: I can say unequivocally that the entire cinema will soon be frozen in extreme cold, because the audience will reject humorous films in a few months. This policy making in the cinema is extremely wrong. In the field of production, broadcasting and screening, special attention is paid to humor; Of course, I am not against the production of satirical works, but this special attention to these types of films is not correct at all.
At the end of this conversation, he added: If cinema is to survive and breathe, it must stand on its own feet and attract investors. On the other hand, managers must support all spectrums. Of course, I don’t think there is a will to do this, and therefore I predict a bad crisis for cinema.