Banking and insuranceEconomical

The complete list of major banks’ facilities is published

Today, the process of announcing the names of super debtors in the economy was reviewed in the presence of Reza Khah, Member of the Parliament and member of the Parliament’s Research and Investigation Committee, Mir Emadi, the Health Assessment Director of the Central Bank, and Fath Ali, an economic expert.

Question: What was the purpose of disclosing the banks’ information regarding banking facilities?

Mr. Rezakhah, Member of Parliament: In all the countries of the world, the amount of liquidity is increasing, but the amount of liquidity should be proportionate to the economic growth rate in the country. From 1390 to 1400, the country’s average liquidity growth has increased by 27% and economic growth has been 3%.

Question: These numbers do not fit with each other and how is this increase in liquidity distributed?

Mr. Rezakhah: Five companies have received 30% of the facilities. If we do an audit, we should see how the organizations spent these facilities, for example, how did the National Bank spend these facilities?

Have the banks spent this facility in line with the growth of production and industry in the country or not?

Question: Has this facility been spent on the growth and production of the country’s economy or not?

Mr. Pouria Fathali, economic expert: We should thank the parliament, the government and the president for allowing this information to be disclosed.

No, this facility has not been spent in line with the country’s economic growth, and considering the 27% liquidity growth in the country, this amount has not been spent in line with the country’s economic growth and production.

Since the 1950s, we have seen inflation, the reason for which is the creation of liquidity and the printing of money without backing. Comparing Iran with other countries, it is clear that Iran, unlike other countries whose economic growth is equal to their liquidity growth, Iran’s economic growth is much less than the growth of liquidity, the damage of which is inflation.

This information helps us identify who is printing the most money and financing their discontent. And the most important function of this information.

Question: Why has a large volume of facilities been directed to the companies under the banks?

Mr. Ali Akbar Mir Emadi, Director of Central Bank Health System Assessment: The central bank has published information in three stages so far. There are two regulations in connection with the granting of facilities: 1. The existence of facilities and large obligations. 2. The regulations of facilities and different persons. has been approved.

Banks must comply with the provisions of these regulations, and if this information is not complied with, the central bank will deal with the violators in this section.

The disclosure of this information can lead to the supervision of the public mechanism and market discipline.

Question: Has this limit for the payment of facilities been observed in the past few decades?

Mr. Mir Emadi: The persons who received facilities are not necessarily bad people and may be companies that have employed in the production process and created employment. The limits may not have been observed, but these recipients have created employment.

Some banks fully complied with the regulations and some did not. This regulation is from 2002. Over the past years, errant banks have been sent to the banks’ disciplinary board and they have been dealt with.

Question: Do you have statistics of collisions?

Mr. Mir Emadi: No statistics are available on their number. For several years, a number of banks have been dealt with and it has only been done from warning to introduction to the police department.

Question: Bank facility statistics are not complete, when will these statistics be complete?
Mr. Mir Emadi: With the National Bank, the Middle East, and the mining and capital industry, it is not that they have not given such information to the Central Bank, but the information has been sent, but the Central Bank must verify this information. There are points that must be considered and checked by the Central Bank. . This information should be published quarterly and we are ahead of Godard’s law. As soon as the information is refined and the accuracy of the information is confirmed, it will be released to the public.

It is not right to publish false information by the central bank.

Question: It has been monitored for many years, but the Central Bank’s information shows that it is suspicious, but it is different from the original story. Why?

Mr. Reza Khah: A significant part of the problem lies with the central bank.

Question: For example, Iran Mal, which borrowed from Aindeh Bank, did the central bank not realize this?

Mr. Reza Khah: One of the main problems is the central bank’s lack of serious attention. The central bank has given 60 thousand billion tomans of facilities to one of the companies under the group. Did the central bank not realize it? Did the central bank only introduce it to the police board and did not perform any other function?

150 thousand billion tomans were facilities related to child bearing and marriage, which the central bank opposed as the cause of inflation, but we have seen that 3 thousand 421 billion tomans of facilities have been paid by the banks to the affiliated companies.

The central bank does not fulfill its duty, but 169 thousand billion tomans have been received by the companies under the group of facilities.

The central bank is obliged to publish all the information, but it has published only 27% of it. He must have published 100% in the first season.

Question: According to the budget law, 100% should have been published in the first season, why was it not done?

Mr. Mir Emadi:It is 27% of the total facilities and we only have 4 banks whose information we did not publish.The net amount of facilities is more than 100 thousand billion tomans. Many facilities are not included

The central bank can deal with errant banks within the framework of supervisory tools.

Question: As a legislator, what tools has he provided to the central bank? CHHas the facility been given to loss-making companies?

Mr. Miremadi: We cannot make decisions on behalf of bank board members.There may have been pressures and this facility was given. If there are examples and it is a violation, these violations should be dealt with

Question: Bank D does not have a receipt facility, is such a thing possible?

Mr. Mir Emadi: According to the regulations of 2002, if the facilities and obligations are 10% of the regulatory capital, it is large and the regulatory capital is small.

Question: Will the information be complete?

Mr. Miremadi:By the end of September, the complete information will be published so far and the remaining four banks will be published as soon as it reaches a fixed point.

Question: There have been changes, what should we do if we don’t get to these problems?

Mr. Fath Ali: Automobile manufacturing companies are monopolized. They have accumulated losses of 114 thousand billion tomans. They have received 40 thousand billion tomans of facilities. These companies have gone to the investors and told them that they must either provide facilities or fire the workers, which is what caused the payment of the facilities. .

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