The condolence message of the artistic authorities on the death of master Habibullah Sadeghi/Tabt stood up to the ideals of the Islamic Revolution

According to Fars news agency, Mahmoud Salari, the deputy of artistic affairs of the Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance, expressed his condolences on the death of Master Habibullah Sadeghi, an artist who narrated the revolution and the saga.
According to the public relations report of the vice president of artistic affairs, in the text of the condolence message of Mahmoud Salari, vice president of artistic affairs, the following is stated:
Name of God
we are for God and we return to him
The sad news of the death of the committed artist, revolutionary and pioneer in the field of painting, caricature and graphics, Master Habibullah Sadeghi, caused me great sadness and emotion.
Master Habibullah Sadeghi is a great personality who mixed his blessed life with committed love and art and was with the people with his life and heart during the victory of the revolution and the holy defense with his works and imprinted the beliefs and ideals of the people. He was a revolutionary and had an idealistic thinking, he always sought to create transformation, manifestation, reading and new approach from the revolutionary spirit with the language of art, he steadfastly stood by the ideals of the Islamic Revolution.
Certainly, the name and works of art of this valuable pioneer artist and narrator of the revolution and epic will forever remain in the history of Islamic Iranian art.
I offer my condolences for the loss of this veteran artist to his esteemed family, friends of culture and art, and I wish God’s mercy for the deceased and patience and reward for the survivors.
It is worth mentioning that Mahmoud Salari, the deputy of artistic affairs of the Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance, visited the painting workshop of master Habibullah Sadeghi in February of last year while visiting the Museum of Contemporary Arts of Palestine and visited his painting workshop and was informed about the process of preparing the works of this veteran artist. took
Condolence message of Director General of Visual Arts Center on the occasion of Habibullah Sadeghi’s death
The Director General of Visual Arts Center of the Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance issued a message expressing his condolences on the death of Master Habibullah Sadeghi, a prominent and outstanding artist in the field of visual arts in the country.
According to the Communication and Media Unit of the Visual Arts Center, Abdul Reza Sohrabi, Director General of the Visual Arts Center of the Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance, issued a message to express his condolences on the death of Master Habibullah Sadeghi, a prominent painter and artist in the field of visual arts in the country.
The text of this message is as follows:
” in the name of God
we are for God and we return to him
I received the sad news of the death of a committed and revolutionary artist, Dr. Habibullah Sadeghi.
Dr. Habibullah Sadeghi was one of the pious pioneers of the art of the revolution and one of the artists with a style in the field of painting, who spent his noble and blessed life from the beginning of the glorious Islamic revolution until the end of the era of holy defense and for many years after that, developing and elevating the art of the revolution and raising a precious generation of Committed and revolutionary artists.
Undoubtedly, the mujahidan efforts and valuable services of this pious master, who was considered an irreplaceable asset for the art of the Islamic Revolution, will be unforgettable and his loss will be a huge and irreparable loss for the art of the Islamic Revolution and artists in the field of visual arts.
In the end, I offer my condolences to the family of Moazzaz Sadeghi, visual arts artists, and all the fans and loved ones of that respected master, and ask God Almighty for the deceased, great mercy and forgiveness, and for all the mourners and Condolences, I need patience and great reward.
Abdul Reza Sohrabi
Director General of Visual Arts Center
August 5, 1401
Condolence message of Fatah narrative cultural foundation following the death of Habib Elah Sadeghi
Seyyed Mohammad Naderi, the head of the Fatah narrative cultural foundation, expressed his condolences on the passing of the committed, well-known artist and pioneer of the art of resistance.
The text of the message is as follows:
the rest
And give glad tidings to the patient ones, those who, if a calamity befell them, said, “We belong to Allah, and to Him we return.”
With extreme regret and impact, the news of the tragic loss of the eternal master Muslim and prominent in the field of visual arts of the revolution and holy defense, the late Saeed master Habibullah Sadeghi, became a source of sorrow for this side and a large number of lovers of the art of the revolution.
The role of struggle of this well-known veteran teacher, who is remembered by various generations from the early days of the revolution to the glorious era of holy defense, will undoubtedly remain in the minds of those who are interested in art.
On behalf of many artists in the art of resistance, I offer my condolences to the family and survivors of this irreparable loss and to the lovers and enthusiasts of the late Saeed. I have a question about the degrees for the dear one who has traveled.
May his path be full of paths
Seyyed Mohammad Naderi
Head of Fath narrative cultural foundation
end of message/
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