The demand to stop the expensive sales of car manufacturers/when the “seat cover” becomes an option for the car manufacturer to increase the price by 10 million

According to Fars news agency, Saipa Automobile Group announced the price list of its passenger cars for February 8; According to the mentioned list, the final (consumer) price of Van 151 is 199 million 871 thousand tomans, Saina S is 169 million 998 thousand tomans, Quick is 168 million 242 thousand tomans, Quick S is 184 million and 830 thousand tomans, “Quick Plus automatic with leather seat” 287 million 850 thousand tomans, “Sahin” 344 million 748 thousand tomans, “Quick R” 178 million 188 thousand tomans and “Quick R Plus” 288 million 114 thousand Toman has been determined.
Comparing the price list of Saipa products in February with November 1401 indicates that the price of two passenger cars 151 and Quick Plus automatic has increased.
In Saipa’s November price list, the consumer price of car 151 was 160 million and 745 thousand tomans, and in the new list, the price of this product has increased by 39 million tomans to 199 million and 871 thousand tomans.
Also, in Saipa’s November price list, the consumer price of Quick Plus Automatic was 278,40,000 Tomans, and the price of this product in February was called Quick Plus Automatic and Leather chair It has increased to 287 million and 850 thousand tomans, which apparently is due to the change in the material of the seat cover.
The daily increase in car prices occurs while people and real consumers are tired of astronomical and unrealistic car prices; The price of the car is constantly increasing and it seems that the concern of the trustees to manage the car market has decreased a lot.
The users of the “Fares Man” system have also registered a campaign titled “Preventing the high prices of Saipa Automobile Company” and requested the authorities to stop the increase in prices by this automobile company.
The users of my Fars system have mentioned that the price of Pride Van 151 has been increased 3 times this year by this automobile company and the factory price of this product has reached about 200 million tomans.
These users asked the Competition Council and the Government Punishment Organization to stop these expensive sales, although the Competition Council has recently announced the regulation of the car market.
According to this report, it is stated in the text of the regulation of the automobile market: due to the exclusive status of the passenger car market in the country based on the high concentration of indicators, the accumulated demand in the market, the ban or restriction of imports in recent years, the low power of consumer choice, some Laws such as Article 12 of the Family and Youth Protection Law approved on 24.7.1400, Clause (3) Note 7 of the Budget Law of 1401 for the whole country and the Note on the Amendment of Article 10 of the Law on Organizing the Automobile Industry approved on 9.9.1401, which made the monopoly situation of this market more severe , while receiving advisory opinions and suggestions in the automotive working group, the Competition Council based on paragraph 5 of article 58 of the law on the implementation of general policies of article 44 of the constitution and according to the provisions of article 2 and article 7 of the law on organizing the automobile industry in meeting number 543 dated 11.11.1401 It approved the regulation of passenger car market as follows.
* The competition council recognized the market of all passenger cars as monopolistic
Article 2 of this directive states that the market of all passenger cars, including manufactured, assembled and imported cars, is exclusively recognized and henceforth subject to this directive.
It is also stated in Article 3 of this directive with the title of pricing directive: The basis of setting the car price is based on the pricing criteria approved by the Price Determination and Stabilization Board, which is calculated by the support organization. The results of the calculations are presented in the automobile working group and approved by the competition council and are enforced by the automobile supplier.
According to the note of Article 3, the calculation price in this clause is the car supplier’s price without considering the consumer’s costs (such as value added tax, third party insurance, numbering duties and postage and delivery charges, etc.).
In the following instructions of the Competition Council, it is stated: with the aim of institutionalizing a competitive atmosphere for each car, based on the price of at least 3 foreign cars of the same class, quality and standard, a price will be extracted and announced as a competitive base price; The Competition Council, through the Ministry of Security, will use the capacity of domestic professional institutions, depending on the case, to use valid external authorities to determine the comparison criteria, which will be summarized and the basis of action in the meeting of the automobile working group in 6-month or one-year periods; The car supplier can propose cars of the same class of car products in the global market to the car working group.
* Demand side conditions
In article 4 of this instruction, the conditions of the applicant are mentioned, among these conditions, the minimum age of the applicants to buy a car is 18 years and the requirement of a driver’s license.
It is also stated in this section that applicants who have an active license plate cannot register and buy a car, there is no possibility of peace in the contract, there is no possibility of re-registering the purchase of a car for legal entities.
The car supplier is obliged to adopt and implement preventive methods to prevent the transfer of the document for at least one year, including mortgaging the car document.
* Supply side conditions
Further, in Article 5, the conditions of the supply side are also mentioned, among the conditions of supply in this directive is that car manufacturers are required to announce the production plan by month to the Competition Council and the Ministry of Security at the beginning of each year.
Note 1 of this paragraph states that the Ministry of Safety continuously monitors the realization of the production plan and in case of non-fulfillment, proposed solutions to solve the problems and challenges of the realization of the production plan will be presented in the automobile working group and the results will be announced to the competition council.
In Note 2, Clause 1, Article 5, it is stated that the support organization continuously monitors the supply situation and obligations of car manufacturers and submits the said report to the car working group.
In paragraph 2 of Article 5, which describes the conditions of the supply side, it is stated: In order to improve competitiveness and regulate the supply of automobiles, the Competition Council, in cooperation with the Ministry of Security, annually determines the amount and type of automobile imports. It is also stated below that any change in the price of the car due to the installation of options or parts that is not mandatory (and based on legal requirements) must be notified to the support organization and its price effect sent to the car working group for approval and then to the competition council for the preparation and notification of the announcement. be made
It is further stated that car suppliers register and sell cars through the integrated system of car sales, and suppliers will not have the right to pre-sell products whose price has not been determined.
Instructions for adjusting the car market from here Is visible.
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