The details of Akbar Golpa’s funeral were announced

According to Fars news agency, Golrokh Graili, the wife of Akbar Golpaigani (Golpa), announced the details of the place and time of her husband’s funeral.
Complaining about some people belonging to the Golpa family, Graili said: The Golpa family has no spokesperson. All decisions for the ceremony have been made by the family. His funeral ceremony will be held at 10:00 am today, Tuesday, November 16, in the artist’s plot.
The wife of Akbar Golpaygani (Golpa) complained about the publication of his personal home address in some media and cyberspace and emphasized: We are discouraged by the publication of his personal home address and false information. The follow-up for his burial in Zahir al-Doula cemetery was done according to his will, but apparently these conditions are not ready and Mr. Nourbakhsh (CEO of Music House) announced that this is not possible.
Akbar Golpaygani, nicknamed Golpa and the man of the golden throat of Iranian music, passed away on the evening of November 13 in Nikan Hospital due to cardiac arrest.
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