The district music festival has started

According to Fars News Agency, Kavos Dome will be the first host of this art event from July 6th to 8th in the “Varna” Cultural Complex, which is supposed to welcome artists and the interested public every day from 16:00 to 19:30.
Mohammad Naimi (Qazalbash and Kazakh music – Golestan), Ebrahim Jarjani (Turkmen music – Golestan), Ayoub Haj Ali (Tazia – Qazvin) and Mahmoud Sadeghi (Dotar – Khorasan) will be on stage on the first night of the festival on July 6.
Taj Mohammad Yalqi (Gomishan music – Golestan), Nusratullah Zargar (Tehran) and Reza Kodkhoda (ghazal singing, Tehran), Murshid Amirfardi (Zorkhane music – Qom) and Asghar Hatami (Chopani music – Semnan) performed on the second night of the festival on July 7 be.
Mohammadreza Barzegar (Katoli Music – Golestan), Saadi Sadeghi and Harmat Yousefi (Mazandaran), Ashiq Imran Heydari (Alborz) and Alireza Soleimani (Dotar – North Khorasan) will perform on the stage on July 8 on the third night of the music festival of Iran’s regions.
Meanwhile, the research department, every day from 10:00 am, according to the routine of the music festival of the regions of Iran, with the topics of “Taziya in Qazvin” by Hossam Rezaei, “religious fiddling” by Saeed Kazemzadeh and “Ashiqi music” by Imran. Heydari is presented.
The first part of the 16th regional music festival hosted by 5 regions of Iran under the direction of Mohammad Ali Marati and on a national scale under the auspices of the music office of the vice-chancellor of artistic affairs of the Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance, by the Iranian Music Association and in cooperation with the general departments of culture and guidance of the provinces across the country in a non-competitive manner. It will be held in July 1402.
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