Banking and insuranceEconomicalEconomicalBanking and insurance
The fluctuation of the coin in the channel is 33 million tomans

to report Iran is an economisteach piece of Bahar Azadi coin of the new design was traded at around 33 million and 900 thousand Tomans in today’s transactions (Thursday, May 14).
The price of the old Azadi full spring coin was bought and sold at 30 million tomans.
Half coins were bought and sold today in Tehran market for 19 million 400 thousand tomans, quarter coins for 12 million 400 thousand tomans and one gram coin for 7 million 320 thousand tomans.
In addition, the price of 18 karat gold per gram was announced at 2 million and 742 thousand tomans in the Tehran gold market.
The price of gold per ounce reached 2 thousand 43 dollars in the world markets.