The focus of all the activities of Sanat and Mine Bank is on the axis of digital transformation

According to the financial news report, citing the public relations of Sanat Momadan Bank, in this meeting that was held in this bank on the 19th of July, Khorsandian stated: The focus of this bank’s activities is defined on the axis of digital transformation.
He added: We consider the actions and activities related to the transformation plan as one of our most important duties in order to provide the best services to customers, and all departments of this bank determine and implement their policies and programs around this important issue. .
He explained: The digital banking transformation plan of Sanat and Mine Bank includes twelve different projects, and many new systems have been implemented and exploited based on this plan.
Eskandari, while thanking Sanat and Mine Bank for its actions, noted: The key to success in the implementation of the digital transformation plan is to create unity in all its elements.
He stated: The output of the digital transformation plan should show its effect on the bank’s performance indicators and financial statements.
In this meeting, the evaluator team presented their points of view and showed the change in the path and the positive results obtained.
Also, in this meeting, 7 service-oriented projects were introduced and presented to the attendees in a completely virtual way, and opinions were discussed and exchanged about the different dimensions and effects of these projects.