Banking and insuranceEconomical

The gratitude of the villagers of Taleghan for the actions of Dana Insurance in paying the damages of the flood victims

Publication date: Wednesday, August 26, 1401 – 17:54


News code: 24215

Financial News – Bimahdana is ready to pay damages to the flood victims of Taleghan villages by completing and facilitating the process of dealing with the cases of the victims.

According to the financial news report, citing the public relations of the insurer, Ramin Pashafer, the head of the Ghadir Karaj branch, announced: following the flood in the village of Safajkhani in Taleghan and the damage to seven residential units in this area, this branch has mobilized the necessary facilities, while coordinating with the villagers of this village. On the 10th of August, he filed a case and assessed the damages.

He further said: This flood occurred on the 7th and 8th of August of this year, in the village of Safajkhani, Taleghan.

It should also be mentioned that following the facilitation of the process of payment of damages, the villagers and residents of Safajkhani village thanked and appreciated the actions of Ghadir Karaj branch of Dana Insurance.

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