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The horizon of social security organization is bright and promising

According to the report of financial news, citing the public relations of the Social Security Organization, in this ceremony, Mousavi, the CEO of the Social Security Organization, described the blessing of serving in the Social Security Organization as a divine success due to the mission of this organization in serving more than 50% of the country’s population, and from the efforts of the managers. and thanked the staff of this organization for developing and facilitating services.

Mousavi, in this ceremony, honoring the day of doctors, pharmacists and employees, as well as honoring the martyrs of the health defenders and the martyrs of the government, said: “Anyone in his position and profession can do his duty in order to serve the people, in a sense, his work is sacred.” And it finds a spiritual value.

He pointed to the hadith “The knowledge of scholars, the knowledge of religions and the knowledge of life” and said that in our religion and in the hadiths and traditions transmitted by the Imams of the Infallible Imams (AS), the knowledge of life is placed next to the knowledge of religion, which shows the intrinsic importance of medical science. and perhaps one of the reasons for the sanctity of this profession is that it directly manifests a part of God’s attributes.

Mousavi added: In medical science, the subject of science is directly human beings and creation with greatness, for which God has given himself the title Ahsan al-Khalaqin. The goal of medical science is to improve the health and save the life of this human being and to maintain his health in difficult and critical conditions, which is very important.

CEO of Social Security Organization added: It is very important that we should try to preserve the sanctity and value of medical work and not let this profession be desecrated. The importance of this science can be understood from the fact that in our religion it is emphasized that the one who saves a human being is like the one who saved the whole world. This job is related to God’s attributes that made it sacred. A person who loves God is also a lover of people.

Mousavi also said: Our dear doctors have shown many times that they are ready to spend their lives for the people; What we saw during the Corona epidemic was the sacrifices and bravery they created on the front line of the health front.

The CEO of the Social Security Organization added: “Unfortunately, sometimes we are neglected for various reasons and we have not been able to explain to the people the great achievements of the Islamic system in governance and improving the health and welfare of the society as we should.” We must always remember where we were once in the field of health services and where we are now? Once upon a time, some people were in charge of medicine in this country under the title of Indian and Pakistani doctors, but where are we now?

Referring to the approach of the 13th People’s Government in paying more attention to the community of doctors, Mousavi said: the capacity of the treatment department of the Social Security Organization has reached about 10,000 hospital beds since the beginning of the operation of this organization, and now it is 6 times this number in the health system for welfare. People are preparing. These are very big events that should not be passed over lightly.

The CEO of the Social Security Organization continued: One of the outstanding features of the direct treatment of the Social Security Organization is the provision of free health and treatment services. Right now, more than 133 projects are being designed and built in social security, and until we reach a balance point in direct and indirect treatment, we will continue this development process with strength and power.

Pointing to the role of manpower in realizing the great achievements of the Social Security Organization and honoring all the employees of this organization, Mousavi said: It is not acceptable for a system to claim that manpower is the most important element and the main factor in the movement of the organization, but job security and future, comfort and livelihood not provide for manpower. The Social Security Organization is an income-cost organization that must provide a variety of services, and today we announce that with the efforts of all colleagues in all departments, the future horizon of the organization is bright and promising, and in this situation, special attention should be paid to meeting the needs and demands of the colleagues. had to continue the path of growth and development.

The CEO of the Social Security Organization continued: We took over the organization with the condition that every month only to pay the salaries of the pensioners, the amount of 27 to 28 thousand billion tomans; There was a liquidity deficit of 4 to 5 thousand billion tomans, and in addition, we had 106 thousand billion tomans of accumulated debt from 1993 to 1400. We have left one thousand billion tomans of commitments every month without borrowing from the banking system. It is the grace of God and after that, the work of an empathetic organization that all its different parts found a transformational approach in harmony.

In this ceremony, which was held with the presence of exemplary doctors and pharmacists from the social security treatment department and with the aim of honoring the staff of doctors and pharmacists working in the medical centers of this organization, Dr. Mohammad Raiszadeh, the head of the medical system organization, said: “Doctor’s Day, which coincides with Hakim Ibn Sina’s birthday.” I congratulate the honorable doctors of the country, and I also congratulate all the hardworking pharmacists of the country on the birthday of the prominent Iranian scientist Mohammad bin Zakariya Razi, which is named after the Pharmacist’s Day.

Raiszadeh stated that giving importance to the country’s myths and legends as a document of the society’s knowledge and ability is related to the pride, identity and self-confidence of the nations, and stated: Unfortunately, great scientists such as Razi and Avicenna have been paid less attention in the society, and the materials and research in The dignity of these scientists is rare. We have a duty to introduce great scientists like Avicenna to people and especially students. Hakim Bu Ali Sina has a great place in medical science, and Western thinkers focus on Hakim Ibn Sina and his law book.

Referring to Imam Khomeini’s statement regarding Ibn Sina, who said that there is no one like him, he added: Bu Ali Sina is the country’s medical record and we should be proud of it. Currently, we have many qualified and capable doctors in the country, and in the eight years of holy defense, the doctors also played their role well.

Raeeszadeh said: 8,000 doctors and 700 pharmacists work in the treatment department of the Social Security Organization, and we expect the officials of this organization and all the officials of the country to pay more and more serious attention to the issues and problems of this group, which are the guarantors of the health of the society.

In this ceremony, the Deputy Medical Director of the Social Security Organization introduced doctors as the driving force of the country’s health and treatment system and said: Retention of doctors is an important issue that the CEO of the organization places special emphasis on the longevity of doctors in private medical centers and we have succeeded in recent months. With the approval of the board of directors and the cooperation of the management and financial development vice-chairs, we will change the employment status of doctors. Also, for the first time in the history of this organization, we should reform the doctors’ payment system. Any amount of the difference between the tariffs in the social security treatment sector and the tariffs applied in other medical centers is reduced, it is definitely effective in the quality of medical services of this organization and the insured will benefit from it.

Appreciating the efforts of the doctors and pharmacists who serve in the Social Security Organization, Dr. Mehdi Eslami said: The medical community of the Social Security Organization uses utmost hard work and effort in taking care of the patients and insured persons of this organization, who are mostly from the working classes.

He mentioned the social security organization as the second provider of medical services and the first buyer of medical services in the country and stated: The social security organization operates in two sectors, direct and indirect treatment, and has 50 thousand medical personnel, of which 8 thousand are doctors and 17 There are thousands of nurses.

The Deputy Director of Social Security Organization added: Last year, 853,000 people were hospitalized in private medical centers of this organization, 470,000 surgeries were performed in Social Security Organization hospitals, and 140 million outpatient visits were also recorded. In the indirect treatment sector (centers of the contracting party), we have a contract with 53 thousand doctors and medical centers, to whom the insured pays only a deductible.

He pointed to the measures taken by the Social Security Organization’s vice president of treatment in the past two years and added: the strengthening of the referral system and the establishment of diabetes clinics in the treatment centers of this organization were implemented, and the deductible for insured persons in cities where we do not have private treatment centers was reduced to zero, and the costs for insured persons were high. 65 years old when visiting government medical centers, fees are free. We have made good progress in the quantitative and qualitative development of centers and services, and we hope to satisfy the insured with quantitative and qualitative development of services and centers.

According to the public relations report of the Social Security Organization, Abolfazl Efatnejad, the vice president of management and human resources development of the Social Security Organization, congratulated the employee’s day and honored the memory of the martyrs of the government and health defenders, and said: At the end of last year, the board of trustees of the organization approved changing the status of doctors. A contract of the organization’s partner was obtained. We are still insisting that this rule continues so that we can continue to change the situation of these loved ones.

The vice president of management and human resources development of the organization emphasized that doctors are the driving force of treatment and it must be facilitated in the recruitment of doctors, he said: the basis of payment of social security treatment to doctors is the government tariff and not the general non-government tariff. But by using the laws and approvals of the Cabinet, we tried and upgraded this tariff based on the increase in doctors’ performance and increased the payment coefficient.

Eftnejad added: This year, we had a 30% increase in the payment floor to general practitioners, which, taking into account the 30% increase in the tariff, this figure has increased by more than 90% compared to last year.

He continued: “For specialist doctors, the increase happened with a steeper slope, because we already had some backlog in this field, and therefore we tried to solve these problems with coordination and cooperation between deputy departments so that things progress.”

The Deputy Director of Management and Human Resources Development of the Social Security Organization added: So far, good work has been done in the field of the payment system for medical colleagues, and from now on, we will definitely try to improve it wherever it is needed.

He added: Social Security Organization as a non-governmental public institution has administrative, financial and legal independence and we do not like any shrinking behavior in the welfare and livelihood issues of our colleagues and we stand against possible external pressures. We will use the independence of the organization for the benefit of our colleagues and try to create a better livelihood for our colleagues in today’s economic conditions.

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