Banking and insuranceEconomicalEconomicalBanking and insurance

The insurance industry needs the support of the government

According to the financial news report, Mohsen Pourkiani, Secretary General of the Insurers’ Syndicate at the Hamedan Province Insurance Day conference, while appreciating the Hamedan Governor’s special attention to the challenges of the insurers of this province, emphasized the need to strengthen the position of the insurance industry in the province.

Referring to the difficult sale of insurance products in an agricultural and livestock province, he added: Due to the special conditions prevailing in this region, the activities of the insurance industry players in Hamedan province deserve praise and thanks.

The Secretary General of the Insurers’ Syndicate stated: the insurance industry plays an important role in helping the government in compensating the damages caused to the citizens. For this reason, it is necessary for the government and executive bodies to facilitate the growth and development of the insurance industry by helping to preserve the resources of the insurance industry.

Mohsen Pourkiani continued by emphasizing that it is necessary to try to provide all kinds of insurance products and services at reasonable prices to the people. He saw the challenge as a way forward.

It should be mentioned that commemoration of insurance week will be held from December 7th to December 13th in all provinces of the country.

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