Banking and insuranceEconomical

The investigation of the performance of the Social Security Organization was started

According to the financial news report, quoted by IRNA, in the public session of the Islamic Council on Tuesday, the report of the Social Commission on the approval of the request for research and investigation of the performance of the Social Security Organization and its subsidiary organizations to date in the field of appointments and the management of affiliated companies, especially Shasta was put on the agenda and 172 MPs agreed to the investigation.

According to the favorable vote of the representatives, a committee is formed in the social commission to investigate the performance of the social security organization.

In the areas of research and investigation, it is stated: Shasta company’s non-transparent performance as one of the largest companies in the country in terms of finances, appointments with non-professional qualifications and mostly with a political and friendly view, lack of correct and timely information regarding the company’s entry. Shasta to the stock market and injustice in the distribution of medical credits in such a way that some areas with five thousand insurers do not have clinics are among the axes of research and investigation.

Also, the weakness in hospital services and the concentration of super-specialized and special services only in Milad Hospital in Tehran, which has led to the wandering of city patients, the weakness of management in some provinces such as Ardabil province, the lack of justice in payments within the organization and the huge gap in payments. Weakness in using collaborative facilities such as guesthouses and accommodation centers and their wear and tear, and weakness in using paperless administration and delay in removing paper notebooks will be other axes of research and investigation.

Applying opinions on the percentage of disability and the non-scientific percentage defined for individuals, lack of protection for construction workers in construction workers’ insurance and considering income and benefits instead of supporting workers and carpet weavers and the large gap between the pensioners’ salaries of the insurance organization Social relations with the retirees of other institutions have been determined from other axes of research and investigation.

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