Science and TechnologySocial Networks

The latest statistics of users’ acceptance of local media messages have been announced – Mehr news agency Iran and world’s news

According to the Mehr reporter, according to the announcement of the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology, after imposing restrictions on 2 foreign platforms following the recent events in the country, the migration of users to messengers and internal social networks has increased.

In the latest update, this ministry has announced the statistics of users’ acceptance of native media messages, which is as follows:

Monthly activity of users on the day ending on the 3rd of December (million)
Yes: 10.42
Ita: 16.45
Rubik’s: 32.6

Daily activity of users on the third day of December (million)
Yes: about 4
Ita: 10.3
Rubik’s: 17.7

The latest monthly active user statistics until December 15:
Rubika 35 million people
Ita 15.5 million people
Yes, 10 million people
Soroush Plus 8 million people

According to Mehr’s report, Issa Zarepour, the Minister of Communications and Communication Technology, previously mentioned the growth of domestic messaging users and said: Rubika is the most trafficked domestic platform with 35 million monthly active users and 15 million daily visits. He called Rubika the most popular domestic messaging platform and said: Ita, Yes, and Sorushplus are in the next ranks respectively.

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