The list of the representatives of the seized cars was received by the prosecutor – Tejaratnews

Ahmad Alireza Beigi, the representative of the people of Tabriz in the parliament, explained in a conversation with Tejarat News about his summons to the prosecutor’s office: The respected prosecutor asked for documents and proofs regarding the talks that I kept silent about the receipt of an SUV by the parliament members during the previous impeachment of the minister.
He added: This issue was denied by the Board of Governors, the Chairman of the Ninety Committee and the spokesperson of the Board of Governors, but I presented documents that indicate what interactions occurred during the impeachment of the Minister of Silence in the parliament and this action. And what did the inactions have to do with the minister’s impeachment? This was a question raised by my servant.
Begi noted: raising this question required documents that I presented. Currently, these documents and documents are available in the prosecutor’s office and are being processed and will definitely be investigated by the parties involved.
He informed about the complaint of some representatives in relation to his statements, which caused damage to the position of parliament members, and emphasized that I explained that my statements were not baseless. Of course, God had mercy that I had access to documents.
According to him, the list of parliament members was published in a distorted form in order not to harm their dignity, and this list was given to the Speaker of the Parliament and the prosecutor.
Begi clarified: All those had no benefit in this regard, we demand that it be clarified what the issue was?
He announced: Until recently, everyone denied this issue, but we published a document that has the signature of the human resources of the legislature.
In response to the question of Tejarat News that his statements will affect the impeachment of the Minister of Silence, this member of parliament said: What will happen in the parliament regarding the impeachment of the Minister of Silence is a political trial. In fact, the parliament, on behalf of the conscience of the society, judges and makes decisions about Fatemi Amin’s performance based on the powers given to the parliament by the constitution, but whether a crime has occurred in relation to the servant’s statements or not, it is up to the judicial authorities to investigate and decide.
In the end, he said: I had the responsibility to present the documents. God had mercy that I got the documents.
To read more, read the news about the donation of 75 SUVs by Minister Sammat to the representatives in Tejarat News.