The magic formula and the secret of slim people not getting fat was revealed

Do you think to yourself how lucky people are who never get fat? They eat as much as they want and in the end it seems like they have consumed extra calories? On the other hand, how unlucky are the people who, as they say, also drink water, get fat! What is the secret of thin people not getting fat? If being fit is your concern and you want to always have a slim yet beautiful body, stay with us until the end.
Do people who don’t gain weight always diet?
Dieting permanently is not a solution for thin people to not get fat. If you are always on a diet, your health may be overshadowed. Although many people use multivitamins in addition to their diet, the role of healthy nutrition should not be ignored. Many people try to manage their weight and avoid overweight by dieting and skipping meals. But in the long run, we see that such approaches may even accelerate obesity. So, in order not to get fat, you should definitely not follow strict weight loss diets and always be on a diet. There are other methods that we will discuss.
Type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, heart diseases, sleep apnea, arthritis, fatty liver disease and fertility problems are among the most important risks of obesity.
What is the secret of not getting fat?
In order to eat but not get fat, pay attention to the following things:
Eat slowly
One of the secrets of not getting fat is that thin and fit people usually do not eat fast and slow down their eating so that they can chew their food well. When you prolong your so-called eating, the brain has the opportunity to signal to the body that you are full. Eating each meal should take at least 20 minutes so that the command reaches the brain in time. When you eat fast, the brain will tell the body later that you are full. So you will continue to eat.
Get enough sleep and avoid stress
Cortisol is a hormone that stimulates hunger and makes it difficult for the body to metabolize carbohydrates and fats. Lack of sleep increases the production of this hormone and damages the body. So another secret to not getting fat is to sleep well. It means to have at least 8 hours of quality sleep every night.
It is completely wrong to say that you can eat whatever you want and then exercise so that you don’t get fat. But the secret of not getting fat is that the calories you burn during the day are more than the calories you take in through eating. Exercising should be part of your daily routine. You can exercise in the gym, which has a high cost, or you can try simple exercises such as walking, running, cycling, etc.
In order to reduce your chances of getting fat, you should do about 1 hour of moderate physical activity every day. Besides exercise, try to walk even while doing other things and don’t sit or lie down most of the time. For example, exercise your fingers when you talk on the phone, walk or when you are sitting and watching a movie. Using sports fat burning supplements can be a good option to help not get fat.
Eat L-carnitine to avoid getting fat
Especially if you exercise professionally or do hard and heavy sports training, you can get help from sports fat burning supplements like L-carnitine along with your training. Research has shown that L-carnitine supplements cause fat burning and weight loss. In fact, L-carnitine helps to speed up weight loss, but you should not use this supplement continuously. Consult your sports coach about whether you need L-carnitine at all.
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The role of genetics in obesity
A significant portion of weight variation among adults is due to genetic factors. But not all weight changes can be attributed to genetics. It can even be said that environmental factors such as overeating or inactivity are much more effective than genes in obesity. Even if you are genetically prone to obesity, you can prevent obesity by using the strategies mentioned in this article.
Genes alone cannot determine body weight. So far, no gene has been identified that predisposes a person to obesity or thinness. The desire to increase or decrease our body weight is not predetermined, but it is not completely under our control. More research is needed on the role of genetics in obesity.
Nutrition is an important factor in not getting fat
What you usually eat in your meals has a direct relationship with whether or not you gain weight. Even your snack is very effective. It makes a big difference whether you go for ice cream as a snack or use a low-calorie fruit smoothie. If you eat rice every day, the possibility of increasing fat around your belly is very high. In order not to gain weight, avoid unhealthy carbohydrates such as rice and simple bread and go for complex carbohydrates such as whole grains, which are rich in fiber and keep you full for a long time.
How much protein is in your meals? If you don’t eat enough protein, muscle wasting will become more apparent as you age. You should definitely pay attention to the amount of protein consumption in the diet and meals in general. Proteins make you feel hungry later and feel full for a longer period of time and eat less. Be careful that your diet should include all food groups in order not to get fat. It means to include dairy products, proteins, carbohydrates, healthy fats and fruits and vegetables. No food group should be eliminated with the goal of not gaining weight.
Body health and no hormonal problems
If you’re one of those people who think you’re eating too little but you’re gaining weight, you might have a hormonal problem. Dysfunction of the thyroid gland can cause diseases such as hypothyroidism and lead to obesity. In this case, you don’t really eat much, but you get fat. The secret of not getting fat is to check the health of your body completely so that there are no problems in the functioning of your body organs and you do not become obese due to illness.
The reason for not getting fat in traditional medicine
From the perspective of traditional medicine, various factors can be effective in preventing people from becoming fat:
- Bad mood: If a person has a bad mood and his mood changes, he may have a disturbance in the absorption of food. In this case, it seems that a person does not get fat no matter how much he eats.
- Another factor is that the person’s physical activity is very high and he does not receive food for the amount of activity he has calories It does not reach your body.
- Sometimes, there may be no problem in nutrition and absorption of food, but the person is under severe stress and anxiety, and under this pressure, his body constantly weakens.
From the point of view of traditional medicine, obese people have cold and wet temperaments, which causes the accumulation of fat in parts of their body such as around the abdomen.
last word
The secret of not getting fat is that people who are always fit and thin have a healthy diet, have enough physical activity, do not have any problems in terms of body hormones, have chosen a healthy lifestyle for themselves, avoid stress and have quality sleep every night. . Of course, the role of genetics in general cannot be hidden. But one’s lifestyle is more important. In order not to get fat, live a healthy life and never try to follow a strict weight loss diet all the time. Permanent diet is not recommended at all.
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