Banking and insuranceEconomicalEconomicalBanking and insurance

The message of the head of Saderat Bank on the occasion of Holy Defense Week

According to the news of monetary finance, the text of this message reads:

In a message on the occasion of the holy defense week, the head of Export Bank of Iran called safeguarding the sanctity of the blood of the martyrs in all elements of the Iranian Islamic society, including in the financial and economic centers of the country, as a permanent duty and called for cooperation, empathy and redoubled efforts in the direction of independence. He emphasized the self-sufficiency and economic growth and development of the country. The text of this message reads:

“In the name of the Lord of martyrs and righteous people”

“Sacred defense is the epitome of epic, it is the epitome of spirituality and religiosity, it is the epitome of idealism, it is the epitome of self-sacrifice, it is the epitome of stability and resistance, it is the epitome of resourcefulness and wisdom.”

“Supreme Leader”

The holy defense week is one of the most prominent milestones in the political history of the country and the crystallization of the bravery and sacrifices of the children of this country in protecting the values ​​and lofty ideals of the Islamic Revolution.

Undoubtedly, the stability of security, peace, authority and scientific and economic development of the country in all sectors is owed to the sacrifices of the zealous men and women who sacrificed their lives, wealth and existence for the upliftment of Islamic Iran.

The symmetry of the great celebrations of Rabi-ul-Awl and the beginning of the academic year with the holy defense is honored and it is reminded that protecting the sanctity of the blood of the martyrs in all the pillars of the Iranian Islamic society, including the monetary and economic centers of the country, is our constant duty.

We, the employees of Saderat Bank of Iran, while honoring the holy defense week and the memory of Imam Rahel, the martyrs and dignitaries of the country and the banking system, also emphasize the continued preparation in the matter of participation, empathy and redoubled efforts for the degree of independence, self-sufficiency and economic growth, and the increasing success of the nation. We ask Sharif Iran to continue the glorious path of martyrs, sacrificers and free people from the door of Almighty God.

“Mohsen Seifi Shoghgari”

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