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The message of the head of the cinema organization to the 41st Fajr International Film Festival

According to Fars news agency, the text of this message is as follows:

The Fajr International Film Festival has become the cultural heritage of the country as a result of the sufferings and efforts of the Iranian cinema family, and this burning torch that warms the atmosphere of the society every year is also a manifestation of the annual achievements of the Iranian cinema.

Today, the light of this festival shines in the light of the noble and calm efforts of a large group of the Iranian cinema family – who, understanding the complex social conditions of recent months, respected the protection of national interests and commonalities; So that their dark thinking will not harm this national movement.

Some foreign currents beat the drum of banning this deep-rooted cultural-cinematic event, but they did not know that basically art cannot be banned, and that cinema and its bubbling clear fountain will always find its way and wash away the color of despair and doubt.

In the past few months, there has been a continuous and cowardly attack by the think tanks of hostile countries against our dear Iran, and cinema, as one of the efficient and powerful manifestations of Iran’s culture in the region and the world, has not been spared from these shards. Nevertheless, Iranian cinema will turn all these “threats” into “opportunities” with the help of the concerned people of cinema due to its prestigious cultural background and enviable and strategic position.

Iranian cinema is full of creativity, achievements and innovation; Boiling from within and renewing the atmosphere of cinema and taking advantage of the elders of this field to unveil new faces and entrusting the proud flag of cinema to their capable and optimistic hands is another meaning of turning threats into opportunities and we all know that blowing fresh air is a historical necessity. It is for excellence and protection of the values ​​of national cinema.

The films selected in this period of the festival are a sign of the diversity of views, tastes and coloring of cinema types in the social political sphere of Iran today, in order to demonstrate the beauty and virtue of understanding and dialogue and to realize the slogan of the cinema organization that “not all cinema is Tehran”.

“Morality, hope and awareness” is the motto of this cultural event, a precursor to the depth of thought and the “balanced content” of Iranian cinema, whose colorful screens are reflected in the admirable efforts of thousands of Iranian cinema specialists, in the selected films of the 41st festival. has been found

This year, this festival will host collective works of cinematographers from different countries, so that regardless of political boundaries, the opportunity to benefit from the experiences of cinematographers from around the world will be provided. The international section of Fajr Festival can be the best capacity to deal with the cinema of domination, cultural imperialism and international terrorism by adopting realistic approaches.

Despite all the ups and downs, Iranian cinema has exhibited lasting achievements in the national and international arena, so once again on the eve of the victory anniversary of the Islamic Revolution and the auspicious decade of Fajr, do not be weary to all the honest workers of Iranian cinema. I say and I am confident that the presence of discerning viewers and regular cinema enthusiasts across the country will remove the fatigue of a year from the cinema family, its employees and servants.

From another point of view, Fajr Festival has entered the cognitive stage for cinema people, and without a doubt, this event shows a double capacity for judging cinematographers.

It is necessary for Fajr Festival to take a step towards the growth and promotion of Iranian cinema in the framework of “national interests”, “cultural diplomacy” and “social justice” based on “legalism”, “standardization” and “justice-oriented”.

In conclusion, while thanking the secretary of the festival and his colleagues, I appreciate the sympathy and companionship of the cinema family and all the concerned people and sympathizers in the field of culture and art who have helped to organize this cultural event more magnificently.

end of message/

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