
The Ministry of Economy’s support for the Commodity Exchange / Bazarpash remained alone! – Tejarat News

According to Tejarat News, in recent days, Mehrdad Bazarpash has launched an attack against the Commodity Exchange to remove steel and cement from this competitive market. The code name of this invasion is the decrease in housing prices. In response to the justifications and attacks of the Ministry of Roads and Urban Development on the transparency and competitive market of the commodity exchange, experts emphasize that the idea of ​​leaving steel and cement from the commodity exchange is not based on a correct theory.

Bazarpash says that the commodity exchange has increased the price of steel and cement, and this increase in price has also affected the finished price of housing and made it more expensive! At the same time, the examination of the commodity exchange transactions shows that the prices of some basic inputs for housing construction, which are included in the steel category, such as rebar, have not experienced any particular price fluctuation during the past months.

In the meantime, the calculations and emphasis of experts also indicate that it is the price of land that plays a very important role in the finished price of housing, in a way that accounts for more than 70 to 90 percent of the construction cost.

In the meantime, industry experts and analysts also warn against the withdrawal of steel and cement from the commodity exchange and point out the danger of creating a black market for these two goods and unpredictable and unaccountable price jumps. A situation that will ultimately harm the entire country’s economy.

Division in the presidential government

Now it is clear that the idea of ​​leaving steel and cement from the commodity exchange in the President’s government has only one supporter, and that is the Ministry of Roads and Urban Development under the leadership of Mehrdad Bazarpash! Earlier, a well-informed source in the government told Hamshahri that the idea of ​​leaving cement from the commodity exchange is a seed-spash idea and that he has only one vote in the government!

Now it is clear that the Ministries of Economy and Peace are also standing against the sower. In this regard, Ehsan Khandoozi said in the presence of journalists: Commodity exchange is considered as a transparent platform for the distribution system of basic or basic goods, and it is one of the achievements that we achieved at the end of the 80s and 90s. He added: At that time, we were able to move from the path of rent and corruption that existed before to the commodity exchange system.

The Minister of Economy stated: “The government has not made any decision about this and we, as the Ministry of Economy and Finance, are the defenders of the Commodity Exchange.” I am aware that the Ministry of Security and many economic institutions are advocating that if the existing procedure needs to be amended, it should be amended within the framework of the commodity exchange.

Read more reports on the capital market page.

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