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The most important cause of body pain and bruises, from symptoms to its treatment

Body pain can sometimes be just a sign of body fatigue, but in some cases it may also be a sign of an underlying disease. Types of body pain can be different in terms of intensity and frequency. Most of the people treat their body pain with home remedies without going to the doctor, but sometimes the intensity of the pain is more than this and you should definitely go to the doctor. The cause of body pain and bruising is the topic that we will discuss in this article.

Body signs and symptoms of pain

Some common symptoms that occur alongside body pain include:

  • Feeling weak and tired
  • Pain in a specific part of the body
  • Chills or changes in body temperature
  • Cold and flu symptoms

If the body pain is due to the disease, the person may also experience other symptoms. In some cases, it is necessary to see a doctor for treatment.

The cause of body pain and bruises

The cause of body pain and bruising may be related to various factors. The most important possible causes of body pain are:


Pain, fatigue, and stiffness are all symptoms of fibromyalgia. In this disease, the person feels pain throughout the body for a long time. Fibromyalgia may be caused by the way the central nervous system processes pain messages when they occur in the body. This disease is a type of connective tissue rheumatism.

Infections and viruses

Flu, colds and other viral or bacterial infections can be the cause of body pain and bruising. When an infection occurs in the body, the immune system sends white blood cells to fight the infection. In this case, inflammation may occur and the person may feel pain and muscle stiffness.

Deficiency of some vitamins

The cause of pain and bruises in some cases may be related to the lack of some vitamins and minerals in the body. For example, vitamin D deficiency can cause muscle pain, weakness and bone pain. A low level of calcium in the body can also cause muscle spasms and can be a sign of rickets in babies. You can compensate for the lack of vitamins in the body by taking multivitamins. Also, if you know exactly which vitamin is lacking in your body, you can get the corresponding supplement. For example, in case of vitamin D deficiency, take vitamin D tablets.

severe anemia

Severe anemia may cause painful leg cramps during exercise, shortness of breath, and chest pain; Especially if the person has a heart or lung disease and the blood circulation in his body is disturbed. Anemia can be treated well by taking iron tablets. If the anemia is very severe, a blood transfusion is needed.

Other symptoms of anemia include fatigue, abnormal heartbeat, dizziness, headache, pale skin, cold hands, and chest pain.

Anemia can also occur due to lack of folic acid and vitamin B12 in the body.

Body pain and anemia

Taking some medications

Another cause of body aches and bruises is the use of some drugs such as statins and blood pressure drugs, which are actually side effects of body pain and muscle stiffness. Withdrawal symptoms of alcohol and drugs such as cocaine can also have symptoms such as body pain.

Retention of water in the body, the cause of body pain and bruises

When the body retains fluid, swelling and inflammation occur, resulting in muscle pain. Conditions that can lead to water retention in the body include the following:

  • Thyroid disorders, especially hypothyroidism
  • congestive heart failure
  • Cirrhosis of the liver
  • Severe malnutrition
  • Chronic kidney disease and nephrotic syndrome
  • venous insufficiency
  • Lymph drainage

Each of the above conditions requires specific treatment. Of course, sometimes the problem of water retention can be solved with home remedies.


Another cause of pain and bruises in the body is hypokalemia, i.e. lack of potassium in the bloodstream. Low potassium affects the function of nerves and muscles and causes muscle pain and feeling tired and weak.


Stress can cause tension in the body and weaken the immune system. In this case, the muscles may tighten and the person may feel pain. It may also affect the body’s response to inflammation and infection.



In order for your body to function normally, you must keep it hydrated; That is, drink enough water. Dehydration may cause fatigue and pain.

Lack of sleep

The cause of body pain and bruising may be related to lack of sleep. There is a two-way relationship between sleep and pain. People who experience chronic pain often have difficulty falling asleep. On the other hand, research has shown that people with insomnia usually experience chronic pain. Over time, lack of sleep can lead to fatigue and pain.

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Lack of sleep also affects the body’s ability to repair tissues and cells. When the body does not have enough time to repair and heal, a person may experience more pain than usual.


Pneumonia is a lung infection that can be very dangerous if left untreated. This disease leads to the inability to deliver oxygen to the body, and in this case, pain occurs because the cells and tissues of the body cannot perform their functions properly. Therefore, pneumonia can also be the cause of body pain and bruises.

Chronic fatigue syndrome

Just like someone who doesn’t get enough sleep, a person with CFS, or chronic fatigue syndrome, may experience fatigue, weakness, and muscle aches.

Arthritis causes body pain and bruises

Arthritis occurs when a person’s joints become inflamed. Arthritis may be caused by wear and tear of the body’s tissues, or it may be an autoimmune condition in which the immune system attacks the healthy tissues that line the joints. The most common cause of body pain and bruising can be arthritis.


Autoimmune disorders

Various autoimmune disorders can cause body pain. Like:

  • Lupus: When a person’s immune system starts attacking healthy tissues and causes inflammation.
  • Myositis: It is a type of muscle inflammation, whose symptoms are fatigue and pain.
  • MS is an autoimmune condition that affects the central nervous system. People with MS usually experience a lot of body pain because the tissue around their nerve cells is broken down due to ongoing inflammation.

Home treatment for body pain and bruises

We have explained to you the most important cause of body pain and bruises. Underlying diseases that cause pain should be controlled or treated under the supervision of a doctor. But you can also get help from the following home remedies:

  • Resting: allows the body enough time to repair tissues.
  • Drink plenty of fluids: Staying hydrated can help reduce pain from dehydration.
  • Taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs that reduce pain and inflammation.
  • Hot shower: The heat helps to relax the muscles and relieves the pain.
  • Body temperature regulation: This can include reducing fever, keeping the body warm or cool to prevent shivering and muscle cramps.

Turmeric for pain relief

Turmeric is anti-inflammatory and has analgesic properties. Add 1 teaspoon of ground turmeric to 1 glass of milk and add some lentils to it. Apply the resulting mixture once a day before going to sleep on the desired area to relieve the pain.

Spam salt to reduce pain

Whatever the cause of body pain and bruising, you can relieve it to some extent with Spum salt. For this purpose, add 1 glass of foam salt to the hot water bath. After half an hour when the salt dissolves in the water, go into the tub. Repeat this every day.

Ginger tea for pain relief

Ginger has been used for more than 25 centuries due to its anti-inflammatory properties to relieve pain in countries such as China and India. This plant has antioxidant properties and heals pain. Add a slice of fresh ginger to a cup of boiled water and drink this drink after 15 minutes to relieve your pain.

body pain

Body treatment for pain and bruises

In the following cases, a person should consult a doctor to further investigate the cause of body pain and bruises, as well as treatment:

  • Persistent pain that does not improve with home remedies.
  • Severe pain that has no apparent cause.
  • If the pain is accompanied by skin rashes.
  • The body hurts after a tick bite
  • Body pain and muscle pain with redness and severe swelling
  • Body pain after taking a certain medicine
  • Body aches with constant fever

If the following symptoms are seen along with body pain, there is a need to call the emergency room:

  • Severe water retention in the body
  • Difficulty in swallowing, eating and drinking
  • Shortness of breath
  • Vomiting with fever
  • Neck stiffness
  • Changes in vision
  • sensitivity to light
  • Extreme fatigue that does not subside.
  • Inability to move the body
  • Fainting or losing consciousness
  • convulsions

Also, if a person has body pain for more than 2 weeks without a specific cause, he must see a doctor.

Pills for body aches and colds

If the cause of body pain and bruises is a cold, acetaminophen containing codeine is usually prescribed. Cold Stop, which is both a cold pill and contains acetaminophen, may also be used. Also non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, glucocorticoids, Proton pump inhibitor And… can be used at the discretion of the doctor.

final word

In this article, we have explained the cause of body pain and bruises. If your body aches as a result of exercise or work, don’t worry about it; Home remedies will suffice. But if you don’t know the cause and the pain continues for 2 weeks, be sure to see a doctor as soon as possible.

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