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The most important properties of coffee that you should know about

At the peak of work and busyness, with a cup of coffee, you can say goodbye to fatigue and regain energy. One of the most delicious drinks in the world is coffee. You may have heard conflicting news about the properties of coffee; Some sources identify coffee as beneficial and others as harmful. That’s why it’s clear that you’re in two minds about whether you should drink coffee or not! In this article, we provide you with the most important properties of coffee that have been scientifically proven based on the latest studies in the world.

What we read in this article

Increasing the energy level is one of the most important properties of coffee

As you know, coffee is full of caffeine. Caffeine is a central nervous system stimulant and fights fatigue and weakness by increasing energy levels in the body. The effect of coffee in relieving fatigue is because caffeine blocks the receptors of a neurotransmitter called adenosine. This blockage causes the level of other neurotransmitters in the brain to increase which are involved in regulating energy levels. One of these neurotransmitters is dopamine. Due to the effect of caffeine in increasing energy, many athletes use caffeine pills or coffee itself before or after their workouts.

Benefits of coffee; Increased life expectancy

The latest scientific studies show that people who drink coffee daily are less likely to die from heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and kidney disease. So it can be said that drink coffee to live longer.

Of course, be careful that what we mean by coffee in this article is original and pure coffee. Therefore, Nescafe to which sugar is added or various coffee mixes are not the subject of our discussion.

Support brain health by drinking coffee

Another property of coffee is that it protects the human body against some neurological disorders such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. Also, coffee has the ability to slow down the progress of diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. In addition, the results of several studies have shown that coffee consumption can be associated with a reduced risk of dementia. It is better for the elderly to use pure coffee in addition to memory booster pills; Of course, if the doctor does not prohibit them.


The properties of bitter coffee for weight loss

Research shows that coffee can be beneficial for weight management and weight loss for two reasons:

  • Coffee helps to reduce fat storage in the body.
  • Coffee protects intestinal health.

Increasing coffee consumption is associated with a decrease in fat in the body. On the other hand, evidence shows that people who consume one or two cups of coffee during the day will have a higher level of physical activity than others. Increasing physical activity is one of the most important factors in helping to lose weight. Caffeine in coffee is also used abundantly in diet pills.

properties of coffee; Reducing the risk of depression

Drinking coffee can reduce the risk of depression. A review of 7 studies found that people who drank a cup of coffee every day were 8% less likely to develop depression. Interestingly, drinking coffee may also be associated with a reduced risk of death by suicide.

Is coffee good or bad for the heart?

Research shows that drinking coffee can be beneficial for heart health. If you drink 3 to 5 cups of coffee a day, the risk of heart disease is reduced by 15%. Also, the risk of stroke can be reduced by 21%. Even coffee can reduce the risk of heart failure. However, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that caffeine can affect the level of blood pressure. Therefore, if you have high blood pressure, you should be careful in drinking coffee and be sure to ask your doctor’s opinion.

The properties of coffee for the heart

Properties of coffee for athletes

Another important property of coffee is for athletes. Athletes often use coffee as an energy booster. Coffee can be unparalleled in improving athletic performance. Drinking coffee before exercise can increase athletes’ endurance and improve movement speed. However, factors such as age, body fat percentage and physical activity level should also be considered. So we cannot say that coffee will affect all athletes in the same way.

Benefits of coffee for liver health

Coffee can protect the health of the liver and keep the liver away from any kind of disorders and diseases. The result of a study showed that drinking more than 2 cups of coffee a day can be effective in reducing the symptoms of liver ulcers and liver cancer. Also, the risk of death from chronic liver diseases is reduced by drinking coffee.

The effect of coffee in reducing the risk of type 2 diabetes

Another property of coffee is its amazing effect on type 2 diabetes. Based on some studies, it can be said that regular coffee consumption can reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes in the long term. A review of 30 studies found that each cup of coffee reduced the risk of type 2 diabetes by 6%. Of course, be careful that we mean coffee that you consume without any kind of sugar or sweets.

Coffee appears to play a role in maintaining the function of beta cells in the pancreas, which are responsible for producing insulin to regulate blood sugar levels. On the other hand, coffee is rich in antioxidants and may affect insulin sensitivity, inflammation, and metabolism, thus contributing to the prevention of type 2 diabetes.

Benefits of coffee for men

So far in this article, we have explained many benefits and harms of coffee. The things described are the same for men and women. But what are the properties of coffee specifically for men?

The properties of coffee for premature ejaculation

The results of some studies show that coffee can improve blood circulation, increase metabolism, and thus be effective in the treatment of premature ejaculation. Men who are facing premature ejaculation problems are advised to consume 1 or 2 cups of coffee daily. Of course, the problem of premature ejaculation cannot be solved by drinking coffee alone. It may be necessary to use erectile dysfunction pills or see a doctor for more serious treatments.

Properties of coffee for men

Benefits of coffee for women

Regarding the properties of coffee for women, we can mention the following:

Reduced risk of ovarian or cervical cancer

Coffee is rich in antioxidants. Antioxidants can protect the human body against free radicals that destroy cells. All types of cancer can be caused by oxidative stress. Coffee reduces the level of oxidative stress in the body and therefore plays a role in preventing cancer.

The properties of coffee for women’s skin

Since coffee has antioxidant properties, it can act as an anti-inflammatory and reduce skin inflammation. Therefore, pimples and inflamed acne may disappear with coffee consumption. On the other hand, coffee can reduce the level of skin redness caused by inflammation. In general, the properties of coffee improve the health of the skin and you can see more transparency in your skin. Of course, the properties of coffee for the skin are the same for men and women.

Among the other properties of coffee for women, we can mention the role of this drink in slimming and weight loss. We discussed this in detail in the previous parts of the article.

What are the benefits of espresso coffee?

What is espresso coffee? This type of coffee is a type of thick coffee with high caffeine, which is prepared from coffee beans in an espresso machine. The only difference between espresso and regular coffee is the coffee beans and the way they are brewed. Regular coffee is prepared with less pressure and slower than espresso. The coffee beans used for espresso are much darker and more roasted than regular coffee beans. The properties of espresso coffee can be summarized as follows:

  • Memory Improvement
  • Improve concentration
  • Rich in antioxidants
  • Improving the performance of athletes
  • Effective in losing weight (due to low calories)
  • Improve digestion
  • Reducing the risk of type 2 diabetes
  • Improve mood and prevent depression

The best time to consume coffee

Contrary to what most people think, the best time to drink coffee is not in the morning after waking up. Cortisol in the human body reaches its highest level when you wake up. Cortisol It is a hormone that is referred to as a stress hormone. When this hormone decreases in the body, it is the best time to consume coffee.

Therefore, it can be said that 10 am to 12 noon and 2 to 5 pm is the best time to eat.

Do not postpone drinking coffee until the end of the night due to its effect on insomnia.

The benefits of coffeeThe benefits of coffee

What are the benefits of bitter coffee?

Bitter coffee is coffee to which sugar, milk, cream, honey and any other additives are not added. Bitter coffee has all the benefits we mentioned in this article. If we want to mention again the most important properties of bitter coffee, it is better to mention the following:

  • Increase metabolism and help lose weight
  • Increase the energy level in the body
  • Help improve memory and concentration
  • Reduce the risk of depression
  • Reducing the risk of type 2 diabetes

Bitter coffee has valuable antioxidants that can improve the overall health of the body.

For whom is coffee harmful?

In general, coffee is a useful and safe drink for healthy people. However, some people should be careful when consuming coffee:

  • Children and adolescents: The US Food and Drug Administration recommends that caffeine consumption in children under 12 years of age should be less than 100 mg per day. Higher values ​​are not recommended.
  • Pregnant and lactating women: Some studies show that if pregnant or lactating women use too much coffee, risks such as miscarriage or premature birth may increase, or caffeine may be transferred to the baby through milk and make him sleepless. Adequate amounts of coffee will not cause any problems.
  • People with heart diseases: Coffee is not harmful for heart patients, but it may increase the risk of arrhythmia by increasing the heart rate.
  • People with high blood pressure: Caffeine can increase blood pressure.
  • People with sleep disorders or anxiety: Coffee may increase anxiety in people with sleep disorders.

Also, coffee can be harmful for people with glaucoma, irritable bowel syndrome and overactive bladder.

A final word about the properties of coffee

We have described the benefits and harms of coffee for you in this article from the online positive green pharmacy magazine. The properties of coffee are so many that we suggest you include this drink in your daily schedule. Of course, it is better not to sweeten your coffee so that your body gets more benefits. Prepare real coffee and if you do not have any special disease or problem, prepare and drink 1 or 2 cups of it daily. Increasing energy, strengthening memory, helping to lose weight, maintaining skin health, etc. are among the most important properties of original coffee.

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