The National Bank of Iran is the symbol of the banking system

According to the financial news report, quoted by the public relations of the National Bank of Iran, Hossein Ali Haji Deligani, a member of the Program, Budget and Calculations Commission of the Islamic Council, said about the role of the National Bank of Iran in the banking system of the country: this bank, as the largest and most important bank in the country, Sanbal And it is the symbol of the banking system and plays a much more effective role among the country’s banks.
Emphasizing that the National Bank of Iran deals with the issues of the banking system more seriously, he stated: This bank has used its capacities to improve the economic and social conditions and has responded to the general needs of the people, especially in micro-facilities and supporting the production sector. .
The representative of the people of Shahin Shahr in the Islamic Council called the National Bank of Iran the coordinator of other banks and emphasized: the highest share in terms of the number of branches belongs to the National Bank of Iran and this bank has played a significant role in improving the social and economic conditions of the country. .
A member of the Program, Budget and Calculations Commission of the Islamic Council stated that the Melli Bank has a very acceptable performance in the provinces as well and pointed out: We are dissatisfied with the actions of some banks due to the lack of loans and microloans in the provinces. But in this regard, the performance of National Bank of Iran has been better than other banks.