
The new price of Samand Iran Khodro was announced + the table of Azar 1402

According to Economy Online car service, based on the latest price of Samand Safar in the open market, the price of Samand LX EF7 has reached 535 million Tomans. Also, the price of Soren Plus Safar 1402 has reached 558 million tomans. The price of Samand Soren Plus dual fuel in 1402 is also valued at 598 million. Based on the price of Iran Khodro products, the price of Samand LX XU7 taxi in 1400 is 380 million tomans.

Samand zero price

brandmodel (year of manufacture)Performance (km)price (tomans)
Samand Soren Plus Gasoline1402 | Iran Khodro – MultimediaZero588,000,000
Samand Soren Plus Gasoline1402 | Iran KhodroZero558,000,000
Samand Soren Plus dual fuel1402 | Iran KhodroZero598,000,000
Samand Soren Plus Gasoline1401 | Iran Khodro – Multimedia


Samand LX EF71401 | Iran KhodroZero535,000,000
Samand LX XU71401 | Iran KhodroZero490,000,000
Samand taxi LX XU71400 | Iran Khodro – TaxiZero380,000,000

The price of Samand Soren Plus factory

brandmodel (year of manufacture)Performance (km)price (tomans)
Samand Soren Plus with xup engine1402 | Iran Khodrozero (factory price)422,000,000
Samand Soren Plus dual fuel1402 | Iran Khodro – Multimediazero (factory price)398,139,000
Samand Soren Plus dual fuel1402 | Iran Khodrozero (factory price)372,475,000
Samand Soren Plus Gasoline1402 | Iran Khodrozero (factory price)331,020,000

The factory price of Soren Plus 1402 gasoline model is around 331 million Tomans. Also, the factory price of Iran Khodro products shows that the new factory price of Suren Plus with xup engine is 422 million.

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