The new programs of “Satra” were announced/ an exhibition report – Mehr news agency Iran and world’s news

According to the Mehr News Agency, citing the public relations of the Organization for the regulation of pervasive audio and video media in the virtual space.Satra), Mohammad Hossampour, Vice President of Monitoring and Supervision Satra By participating in the live discussion of “Cherkh” program of Chahar Sima channel, the exhibition “Rasta” an opportunity to expand intra-departmental cooperation, Interference And he considered the trans-sector of audio and video media to be inclusive and in line with the supportive approach of radio and television Satra He called this ecosystem.
He said: Today, more than 400 audio and video media have a license to operate. These media have diversity and plurality in the topic, structure and target audience, and this diversity of the media ecosystem has also been developed in the geographical breadth of Iran, and this gathering of inclusive audio and video media from all over Iran is an opportunity for cooperation and synergy and intra-sectoral interaction between these Provides media. Of course, during the exhibition, some new services and contents of these media will be unveiled. In interaction with the government, people and industry, the regulatory body is responsible for the protection of the public interests of the society and cooperation Interference And the extra-sector that is provided in the context of this exhibition helps a lot in the development of this nascent industry.
Deputy of monitoring and supervision Satra He said: The presence of some companies providing infrastructure services such as cloud space, internet services is a basis for cooperation Interference In line with the sustainable development of the ecosystem of audio and video media, he called it inclusive. Of course, the presence of the Association of Visual Media Producers and the unveiling of their new services, such as the design and idea registration system to support the intellectual property of production programs for immersive audio and video media, is another field for this specialized inter-departmental cooperation.
Hossampour continued: The ecosystem of inclusive audio and video media has various players and from the point of view of content production and distribution, it can be divided into digital natives, television natives and content natives, and this exhibition is an opportunity for this cooperation and interaction. Interference It also strengthens these areas. Regarding the cross-sectoral factor, it should be explained that the presence of officials, policymakers and members of parliament is an opportunity to interact with industry activists and the regulatory body, and from another point of view, the presence of people in the exhibition and direct communication with artists and directors of the inclusive audio and video media is one of the benefits of this exhibition. are considered
The deputy monitoring and supervision in the second part of his speech referring to the performance of the deputy monitoring and supervision Satra, Mission He considered the main role of this deputy to be the management of content in audio and video media and referring to the regular and weekly formation of production and publishing licensing councils. Satra He emphasized: supporting and strengthening the flow of native and Iranian content in accordance with the cultural norms of the society Mission These councils last.
Hessampour stated that the preservation and strengthening of native content in contrast to foreign content originates from the principle of cultural proximity and in the end he said: the circulation of native content in various distribution windows of the digital world from subscription media to television will lead to the strengthening of the economy of inclusive audio and video media. became.