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The night visit of the head of the environmental organization to the Montazer Qaim power plant/ the lack of diesel fuel burning in the power plant was confirmed.

The vice president and head of the environmental protection organization, together with the media members of Alborz province, visited the “Muntazar Ghaem” power plant and the sealed fuel oil tanks of this power plant.

According to Moj news agency

Quoted from Environmental Protection Organization Ali Selajgeh visited the sealed tanks of the fuel oil in the course of an intrusive visit to the Montazer Ghaem power plant in order to verify the reports of this organization that the power plant does not burn fuel oil.

This visit was carried out with the presence of more than 10 provincial journalists fuel oil The burning of this power plant was confirmed. In this way, the burning of fuel oil at the “Muntazar Ghaem” power plant, which was introduced by some members of the city council last weeks as the power plants around Tehran and the main culprit of air pollution in the capital, was denied.

In this visit, the amount of water collected and the wastewater treatment system, as well as the proposals to change the power plant system to prevent excessive water consumption and fuel oil burning, were examined in the presence of the power plant owner. Fuel oil burning is the wrong address of air pollution in Tehran and big cities, and some people who have wrong information in this field only fuel these rumors to misuse public opinion.

According to the announcement of the Environmental Protection Organization, according to the investigations and available documents, fuel oil is burned in the peak of cold and increased gas consumption and only in some cases to meet people’s needs for electricity and energy, and it has the least impact on air pollution.

According to the experts of this organization, the main culprit of air pollution in big cities is the lack of scrapping of used cars and the lack of public transportation, which requires special attention to the infrastructure in the country’s metropolises.

It should be noted that, at the end of last week, journalists from the field of environment made sure that there is no diesel fuel burning in Tehran’s Baisat power plant.

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