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The oceans are in danger! / The necessity of a global agreement to preserve and manage the oceans

According to the social reporter of Moj news agency, we all know that the life forms of organisms depend on the health and healthy and optimal functioning of the world’s oceans. In fact, the ocean is at the center of the global climate system and the regulating factor weather And climatic conditions, the concentration of gases in the atmosphere, including the oxygen we breathe, also regulate nutrient cycling and supply important food sources.

But with the advancement of technology and machine life and human activities, especially the emission of carbon dioxide gases, the excessive use of resources and pollution has caused the destruction of marine ecosystems and has jeopardized the role of the oceans from the point of view of regulating the aforementioned matters. Rising sea level, melting of ice, rising acidity of oceans, expansion of dead ocean zones, growth of harmful marine plants, bleaching of corals, reduction of population and habitats of aquatic animals, etc. all indicate harmful environmental conditions at local and global levels.

therefore UNESCO It is trying to implement a system to monitor and control the oceans through its International Oceanographic Commission, which has been very effective for research in the field of climate change, and the organization has a leading role in using it. Also, mobilizing experts to discuss new findings and trends in the field of ocean warming and acidification, as well as research on the role of oceans in reducing climate change, is one of the ways to protect this great divine resource.

World Ocean Day is celebrated every year on June 8, corresponding to June 18, to support the implementation of sustainable development goals and strengthen people’s interest in protecting the ocean and sustainable management of its resources. The United Nations has set the theme for this year’s World Oceans Day as Planet Ocean: “The Tides Are Changing.”

Pollution and overfishing threaten the life of the oceans

“Mohammed Khaliq Panah”, a climatologist and environmental expert, stated that pollution and overfishing threaten the life of the oceans, and said: the loss of many habitats, the increase of invasive species and climate change have caused thousands of millions of dollars in damage to human security every year. everywhere on earth and sea creatures.

He further stated: Dedicating one day of the year to the oceans is an effort to get the best efficiency from this great and divine resource while holding special programs. For the first time in 1992, the proposal of dedicating a day to the oceans was proposed at the Earth Summit in Brazil, after that in 1998, the International Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO decided to hold an international ceremony for the oceans, and then in 2002, the World Network Organization Oceans tried to celebrate this day with the help of networks of zoos, aquariums and environmental groups and non-governmental organizations in different parts of the world, and finally, in 2008, the United Nations designated a day for the oceans, and every year a title for this day in is considered

The role of oceans in the economy of countries

Explaining that the oceans are irreplaceable resources, this environmental expert clarified: Oceans are an irreplaceable resource and play an important role in human life and the economy of countries. Therefore, it should be noted that the health of the marine ecosystem is very important and this matter plays an important role in the decisions of governments and nations. With mutual cooperation, a new balance should be created in the seas and oceans, which will guarantee the preservation of their life and vitality.

Read more:

Preparing a comprehensive map of the ocean floor using drones

Why did the Southern Ocean expand?

Building a car with recycled ocean waste

What role do the oceans play in mitigating climate change?

Human societies will live in the oceans

Oceans play a vital role in the life of terrestrial organisms

Khaliq Panah further stated: Oceans are the source of life and play a vital role in the lives of seven billion people and all creatures living on the planet. Oceans as a single body connected to the seas cover 71% of the earth’s surface. Also, half of the oxygen consumed by humans comes from the oceans. As climate and weather regulators, seas and oceans play the most important role in climate change. Improper and indiscriminate use of sea and ocean resources has caused acidification, oxygen reduction, global warming and damage to this sensitive ecosystem and has endangered human well-being and health. The rise of the water level threatens the lives of millions of people and many living organisms and causes changes in the geographical maps of the earth.


Help preserve and restore the marine environment

This environmental expert considered helping to preserve and restore the marine environment very important and said: holding scientific meetings, training workshops, cleaning the beaches and continuous monitoring of the coastal and marine environments is one of the main things that should be at the top of the programs in order to help preserve and restore the country’s marine environments. be

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