The official exchange rate of 46 currencies on 26 October

According to the Central Bank, today each US dollar was valued at 42,000 rials, the British pound at 57,660 rials and the euro at 48,725 rials.
According to this report, today each Swiss franc 45,507 riyals, Swedish krona 4,871 riyals, Norwegian kroner 4,994 riyals, Danish krone 6,547 riyals, Indian rupee 560 riyals, UAE dirham 11,200 437 Rials, Kuwaiti Dinar 138 thousand and 839 Rials, one hundred Pakistani Rupees 24 thousand and 548 Rials, one hundred Japanese Yen 36 thousand and 751 Rials, Hong Kong Dollar five thousand and 401 Rials and Omani Rials were valued at 109 thousand and 232 Rials.
Also, each Canadian dollar is 33 thousand 952 Rials, New Zealand Dollar 29 thousand 682 Rials, South African Round 2 thousand 887 Rials, Turkish Lira 4 thousand 539 Rials, Russian Ruble 593 Rials, Qatari Rial 11 thousand 539 Rials, one hundred. Iraqi Dinar 28 thousand 877 Rials, Syrian Lira 34 Rials, Australian Dollar 31 thousand 148 Rials, Saudi Rial 11 thousand 200 Rials, Bahraini Dinar 111 thousand 701 Rials, Singapore Dollar 31 thousand 149 Rials, one hundred Bangladeshi Taka 49 thousand And 466 Rials, 10 Sri Lankan Rupees 0191 Rials, Myanmar 23 Rials, 100 Nepalese Rs 34,819 Rials, 100 Armenian Drams 8,779 Rials and Libyan Dinar 9,233 Rials.
Today in the Central Bank of China 6,528 Rials, one hundred Thai baht 125,440 Rials, Malaysian Ringgit 10,101 Rials, one thousand South Korean Won 35,522 Rials, Jordanian Dinar 59,238 Rials, one hundred Straits. Kazakhstan 9,867 riyals, Georgian lari 13,390 riyals, Indonesian rupiah 2,982 riyals, Afghan afghanis 526 riyals, new Belarusian ruble 17,108 riyals, Azerbaijani manat 24,706 riyals, 100 pesos The Philippines was priced at 82,797 rials, the Samani of Tajikistan at 3,719 rials and the new manat of Turkmenistan at 12,022 rials.